War of the Realms: Avengers #19: Gorilla Warfare
War of the Realms: Avengers #19
Gorilla Man must defend Avengers Mountain from Dark Elves and that’s not all!
DetailsWar of the Realms: Avengers #19
Gorilla Man must defend Avengers Mountain from Dark Elves and that’s not all!
DetailsWolverine: Infinity Watch #4
Wolverine has been captured by the Fraternity of Raptors, and things just keep getting worse for our hero from there.
DetailsMR & MRS X #11
Mr & Mrs X #11: Things aren’t so easy in the Big Easy. Can Gambit keep his cards close to his chest or will he lose the upper hand?
DetailsSavage Sword of Conan #5
Conan faces off against Koga Thun for the fate of the free- treasure? Yeah, treasure.
DetailsWar of the Realms Strikeforce: The Land of Giants #1
The final strikeforce deploys to rescue Thor from the Land of Giants
DetailsOld Man Quill #5
Quill and the Guardians of the Galaxy face off against the horrors of the Wastelands.
DetailsDOCTOR STRANGE #13 (LGY #403)
Doctor Strange #13: Doctor Strange must make a cosmic pact to save not just his own universe but many untold dimensions from the threat of the Devourer of Worlds.
DetailsUNCANNY X-MEN #18
Uncanny X-Men #18: As one X-Man leaves another falls in battle as enemies gather on all fronts to end their attempts to reform.
DetailsWar of the Realms: Spider-Man and the League of Realms #1
Spider-man joins the League of Realms and embarks on an adventure!
DetailsGuardians of the Galaxy #5
The Guardians of the Galaxy, reeling from the events of last issue, regroup, but they’re too late, the Mad Titan is back!
DetailsX-Force #7
The pace of this issue allowed for moments of superb characterisation while not stinting on moments of real dread. The art is effective and stylish. This is a series to pick up.
DetailsIronheart #6
Ironheart and Spider-Man share the spotlight in ‘Ironheart #6’, a sci-fi filled classic Marvel team-up adventure that showcases what these characters can bring to the table!