COMIC BOOK REVIEW: X-Men Gold #31 ‘Daze of Future Last’
With the X-Men already rocked to their foundations by one big shock after another, now is the time for someone to sneak in the back door and make their move.
DetailsWith the X-Men already rocked to their foundations by one big shock after another, now is the time for someone to sneak in the back door and make their move.
Details“Never trust the official story.” A new era in the saga of Captain America begins here with Ta-Nehisi Coates and Leinil Francis Yu!
DetailsA team of rebellious slaves fighting the Wakanda Empire for the independence that has been long lost. A maverick spirit learns a lesson in the importance of teamwork. Defiance of a king will have dire consequences.
DetailsBen and Johnny spend a little bonding time and where better than a thunder dome?
DetailsJulie Power turns back into a 13-year-old with raging hormones, will the gang be able to undo this transformation!? Plus, the origin of the magical cupcake is finally revealed! Get ready for another fun, exciting yet heart-wrenching issue!
DetailsMayor Matt Murdock will fight alongside the Order of the Dragon, to take on the Hand!
Details“Y’ALL READY FOR THIS”, a tune ringing in the head. Inspirational and cocky, Tony Stark as a young lad to an International Icon acquires the tenacity thought process and imagination far beyond the common technological minds.
DetailsTake a trip down memory lane as we revisit what comes naturally for the X-Men…saving the world. After almost 80 issues (each) of Uncanny X-Men and X-Factor separate, revisit the event that brought them all together for good and led to the blue and gold teams of the 90’s!
DetailsMjolnir is destroyed, Asgard lies in ashes; the Gods are refugees on Earth — all of this means that Thor is going to be a very busy boy for the next little while. And that’s without mentioning the oncoming war…
DetailsHOT & FUN – Weapon H – now we get to learn more about the man behind the thang. Clay will do what it takes or sacrifice himself for those who mean the most. Watch out or get burnt!
DetailsEnslaved by a potential predator using dark arts, Natasha uses the unexpected responsibility of the space stone and transports to free the children.