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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #107: Are you Ready for a Fight?


Might Morphin Power Rangers #107

Artist(s): Simona Di Gianfelice, Cover Artist Taurin Clarke

Colorist(s): Raul Angulo

Letterer: Ed Dukeshire

Publisher: Boom

Genre: Superhero

Published Date: 04/19/2023


Zedd is more powerful than ever, while Grace's second in command keeps a past plan alive, which may provide a cutting edge in the battle with Dark Specter... or prove to be the Rangers' undoing. Meanwhile, Mistress Vile finds the ultimate use for the Vessel, whose identity finally comes to light!


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers continues to deliver a fantastic adventure and story with many twists and turns, highlighting the experiences of Trini, Jason, and Zack. And like the show, which will be celebrating its 30th anniversary this Wednesday with a special released on Netflix, it continues to fail in the romance department.

And that’s not to say stories need to focus too much on romance, but we are all so tired of love triangles and relationship drama. But that’s not the focus of the comic. Instead, that’s the distraction and somewhat of a plot point.

What works in this comic is the other mythology it crafts and adds to the original series while acknowledging that the comic is not an exact fill-in for the show. It is its own thing. And it is most definitely not canon to the show. But that’s okay. It adds a great lexicon of multiversal story potential to explore, though maybe one day without the original MMPR team.

The relationship with Zordon being tested is unexplored mainly in the show.

The story of Mistress Vile and the extent of her plan is interesting, and we have two storylines. Stuff happening on the ship, and what is happening on earth. The two are connected, but it seems like they are destined to meet now. Mistress Vile and her subordinates are intimidating, and she has no qualms with attacking rangers, whether morphed or mid-morph. The art helps accentuate this with excellent color work and good action shots, showing us what’s going on and the character’s thoughts and feelings regardless of how close the angle is. Emotions are very clearly on display, even through a helmet. The art works well, complements the comic, and has good detail.

The comic also shows that our heroes are not perfect the way the show essentially made them out to be. In battle, in life, they make mistakes, and these are life-or-death mistakes, things with real, tangible consequences. So the comic, in many ways, is meant for a more mature audience, the kind of people who grew up with the show and are looking for something bigger and a little less camp.

And this comic continues to deliver that. Though I think some die-hard fans will continue to take issue with specific characterization and villain continuity changes. Just remember. It’s a different universe.

Final Thoughts

A suspenseful issue that does not let you breath,e and just when you think the Rangers might get somewhere there's still so much more to come.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #107: Are you Ready for a Fight?
  • Writing - 7/10
  • Storyline - 7/10
  • Art - 8/10
  • Color - 8/10
  • Cover Art - 6/10
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