Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #111

Mistress Vile has won, or so it seems, with control of the Grid and Dark Specter’s infections spreading through the universe! The Rangers are presented with the impossible choice of saving either their friend or the universe against Dark Specter and find themselves separated and stranded until they receive help from the last team they’d expect, but not be the help they were hoping for.
Writer Melissa Flores opens up the issue with a quick witted fighting montage to demonstrate the incredible time frame Matthew has dedicated to his training. Ms. Sterling has an encouraging talk with Matthew. She has certainly found herself as a mentor to the Power Rangers from her experiences and with those she stays as a source of inspiration for the younger generations ahead of her.
In a sudden scene change the audience finds themselves now in the present and alongside the Power Rangers as they see Matthew standing by Ms. Sterling’s body, now revealed to be dead. The startling reveal shakes the cast to their core. Flores creates a jarring moment that emotionally distracts the team. The team comes face to face on the reality of what is occurring in front of them and reality hits even harder once Mistress Vile makes herself known.
During this, other Power Ranger teams are elsewhere hoping they aren’t too late in coming to help stop the threat that has yet to be fully unleashed. In a series of intense exchanges, Mistress Vile takes control of Matthew’s body and unleashes a force that is felt through many different teams of rangers. A devious figure emerges forth to reveal that Mistress Vile got her way and was able to create Dark Specter.
The art from Di Gianfelice is wonderful at showcasing the worry and emotional turmoil that the team is experiencing. The color from Angulo really adds life to the story and aids in showing how menacing both Mistress Vile and Dark Specter are. The lettering is able to help illustrate the emotion of the characters.
Final Thoughts
This issue continues to help the Power Rangers universe continue to grow. Continuing old threads of past arcs, this creative team helps bring alive more potential. The question next would really ask how the Power Rangers will ultimately face off with Dark Specter? Very curious on how this new ally will be able to change the game.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #111 The Arrival Of The Darkest Hour
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 8/108/10
- Art - 7/107/10
- Color - 8/108/10
- Cover Art - 6/106/10