MMPR: The Ranger Slayer #1

Lord Drakkon is defeated. The Grid is shattered no more. Kimberly Hart is free from the spell controlling her but her world is not free from the damage she helped cause. Now Infamous Ranger Slayer is back home and she must find out where she fits in the world after Drakkon.
Ryan Parrott flexes some impressive writing prowess here, making the Ranger Slayer (who if we’re honest could easily have been a quick gimmick) an interesting and intriguing character to help propel the Power Rangers mythos to the next level. This oversized issue balances gritty action, sprinkles of humor with dramatic world building and a Game of Thrones-esque political intrigue.
The elevation of Ranger Slayer from just a cool design and neat concept to an actual needed staple in the Rangers world alone is cause to give praise to this issue, but that’s just one great thing in a thick issue full of great things. The return of Scorpina as more than just sexy monster girl is an inspired choice, her villainous roots make her the perfect foil for Ranger Slayer as she tries to atone for the wrongs she’s done. The brief but scary return of Green Ranger Rita is also phenomenal, (spoiler ahead) while she’s defeated in this issue knowing her dangerous new status and expansion of abilities teems with promise that she’ll return to threaten the world again. There’s also some heartfelt moments like the reunion of MMPR classic comedy duo Bulk and Skull is fantastic but also helps build a new status ripe for stories in the post Drakkon world.
All in all between the fantastic writing and quite simply beautiful artwork makes this a perfect pick up for an evening read.
Final Thoughts
Bombastic, energetic art coupled with rock solid writing makes Ranger Slayer #1 everything you didn't know you needed from a Power Rangers comic.
MMPR: The Ranger Slayer #1: Long Live The Queen
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 10/1010/10