Man of Steel is the debut issue of Brian Michael Bendis’ Superman run, and if this issue is any indication I think he’s gonna do just fine. The introduction of Rogol Zaar serves as the jumping off point for a new stage in the Last Son of Krypton’s life.
Title: Man of Steel #1
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Pencils: Ivan Reis
Inks: Joe Prado
Publisher: DC Comics
What You Need to Know:
You all know who Superman is, he’s the big blue boy scout last son of Krypton. This is the start of a new series that alleges to be bringing Superman back to basics. Let’s see how they did!
What You’ll Find Out:
We open on Rogol Zaar imploring a coalition of immensely powerful beings to allow him to extinguish something he considers a blight on the universe, something that requires attention from some of the most ancient forces of the era. The blight is Krypton, Rogol Zaar wants to kill Krypton.
We cut to Metropolis, present day. Killer Moth is threatening Firefly over money from some heist. Firefly warns him to keep his voice down, Moth is pushing all of HIS buttons, he listens for yelling, phrases like “where’s the money?!” and stuff like that. Moth tells him not to worry, he’s got it all figured out, just as a blue blur snatches him and Firefly and swoops them up into the air.
After a hilarious bit of dialogue he drops them off at a police station and resumes his patrol, in a phenomenal breakdown of his super hearing power and him listening to a song a couple miles away, he then realizes he hears a fire. He swoops into action, there has been a rash of fires lately with no known cause. Superman saves a foul-mouthed little girl from the inferno and finds her parents. After dropping her off a firewoman asks if there’s anything he can do to stop the fire, he obliges her, sucking in the fire with his super breath and blowing it up into the sky.
After the fire has been full extinguished Superman walks the building, scanning with his x-ray vision trying to determine the source of the blaze. The firewoman from earlier comes upon him and asks him what he’s looking for, he tells her he’s looking for the cause, and she says it’s arson. She introduces herself as the new deputy fire chief, Melody Moore. As Superman flies away she says something and curses herself, forgetting he has super hearing and can hear her.
The end of this issue was a bit surprising, I can’t wait until Wednesday to find out more! Read this issue for yourself, share your thoughts in the comments!
What Just Happened?
Bendis is Coming! As much as I hated (and likely will always hate) those ads, Brian Michael Bendis has begun his Superman run with this issue. I honestly didn’t expect to like this issue much, having been more of a DC than Marvel fan the last 10 years, and haven’t read a ton of Bendis’ stuff. Welp, Bendis is here.
That said, I LOVED THIS ISSUE! I’m currently in the process of reading all 1000 issue of Action Comics right now so you might say I’m a bit of a fan, reading issue 516 as soon as I’m done writing this in fact. This issue felt like classic Superman in so many ways.
I will say Rogol Zaar is a pretty by the book’s villain that hasn’t said or done anything we haven’t seen previously in a Superman story so far. The “secret untold aspect of superhero’s past returns to surprise him” trope is well established.
It is also kind of strange the way Superman has met 2 women so far of some attractiveness who seem into him, which confuses me greatly. Is Bendis about to do something with Clark’s happy marriage?
I loved the humor in this issue, Superman’s interaction with Firefly and Killer Moth was hysterical and his wry wit when talking to folks was delightful. Likewise, the use of his lesser powers is some of the better use I’ve seen in recent years of them.
I would like to give a tip of my hat to DC for having a big name series first issue with only 1 cover.
All in all, I feel like Bendis seems to have a decent understanding of the character, some of my fears can rest now. For now.
Rating: 8/10
Final Thought: Fantastic Jumping on point for a new fan, I have a great feeling about this miniseries and if the quality is maintained in later series I will be a fan.
If anyone ever wants to contact me, look me up in my groups for the love of comic books andNew Fans, Old Comics, I also have several comic pages dedicated to my various true loves, Batman, Superman, Indie Comics, Spider-man, Marvel, Oldie Goldies, and Hats! (Long story on that last one haha) or on Twitter @johnbatusijack
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