Rogol Zaar has discovered that Kryptonian life still exists within the universe, and has arrived on Earth! Will Superman and Supergirl finally get to hit the bad guy?! Time will tell!
What You Need to Know:
The third installment of Brian Michael Bendis’ premier Superman miniseries finds Rogol Zaar having discovered that Earth contains the last trickle of Kryptonian blood in the universe, and arrives to destroy the last remaining bastion of Kryptonian civilization. Meanwhile, a string of arsons have torn across Metropolis with no known cause, and where are Jon and Lois?!
What You’ll Find Out:
We open on a meteor-like object streaking across the arctic sky, Rogol Zaar comes to rest on a snowy hill overlooking the Fortress of Solitude. Smashing through the wall he quickly overpowers the Fortresses defenses, destroying Kelex in the process. He smashes his way through the Fortress until he finds a small remaining vestige of Kryptonian civilization in the form of a miniaturized city in a bottle, Zaar has found Kandor!
We cut to yet another arson in Metropolis, Deputy Fire Chief Moore is investigating when she happens upon Superman, who accidentally startles her, apologizing, sometimes he forgets humans can’t see in the dark. She turns around again and is again startled, Batman is standing right behind her, Superman called in the worlds greatest detective! Batman starts asking her some questions about the fires, suddenly Superman hears an alarm and vanishes. Moore asks where he went and Batman gives one of the best lines in recent memory, “if the most polite man in the galaxy has to leave so fast he can’t even say goodbye, it’s for a damn good reason”
Superman arrives at the Fortress to find it in ruins, everything he had loved and built for most of his life, destroyed. He holds the ruins of Kelex in his hands, then looks across the room to find a shattered bottle on the ground. Kandor!
What is Kandor’s fate? Read this issue and find out for yourself!
What Just Happened?
Man, if the last issue had slightly less impact this one had even more than the first. Zaar finally having arrived on Earth is huge, I have a feeling next issue will be a slugfest. I can’t believe what happened to Kandor, Superman has been trying to return Kandor to normal size since the silver age, devastating.
I loved seeing Batman, who interestingly was also in issue 3 of the Byrne miniseries. It’s always nice to see him in more of a detective capacity, and Bendis did a good job of making him subtly funny without making him actually tell any jokes or doing anything actually funny. The line I mentioned is pretty friggin good and will stick with me for a while I think.
The art by Sook and Fabok is typically phenomenal, with the wreckage of the Fortress seriously scarring my soul to look at, really painful to see for a Superman fan.
Rating: 9/10
Final Thoughts: This mini continues to be one of my favorite things that have been done with Superman of late, I will be a fan for as long as this quality keeps up.
If anyone ever wants to contact me, look me up in my groups for the love of comic books and New Fans, Old Comics, I also have several comic pages dedicated to my various true loves, Batman, Superman, Sword and Sorcery, Indie Comics, Spider-man, Marvel, Oldie Goldies, and Hats! (Long story on that last one haha) or on Twitter @johnbatusijack
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