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Mosely #5: The Tech Gods are No Match for…Family


Mosely #5

Artist(s): Sam Lotfi

Colorist(s): Jean-Francois Beaulieu

Letterer: Andrew Thomas

Publisher: BOOM! Studios

Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Scifi

Published Date: 07/05/2023


After what seemed like the final battle, Mose and family discover the sinister, ancient force behind the Tech Gods themselves!

While Mosely and Gloria have to fight the internal demons of their past, they face a very tangible demon, alien and arcane, with a dark link to human history.
However, even if they succeed, what will their victory mean for the human race, when they've been reliant on AI for so long?


Mosely from start to finish is epic, fun, and a testament to what creator owned comics bring to the medium. Issue #5 ends on a strong note and a satisfying conclusion to Mosely, the janitor turned hero.

For those who may not have had a chance to experience Mosely, this story is about a man who helps tech gods take over and after years of torment, is given a magical hammer that empowers him to seek vengeance.

Comic Watch Review: Mosely #1: Meet the Old Bitter Hero of Tomorrow

Continuing from the battle against the tech gods in issue #4, this issue continues the struggle and has one more action filled moment before the dust settles. Written by Rob Guillory with art by Sam Lotfi this issue ties up loose ends while leaving just enough of a crack in the door for the series to continue past Volume 1.

At the core of this issue isn’t just a man struggling with personal demons that robbed him of time with his family, but also commentary on society and our dependence on tech that has slowly taken away what truly makes us human. While “tech being bad when overdone for society” is not exactly a new concept, this series has done a good job at putting a mirror to all of us through Mosely. If we allow tech to influence so much of our lives and continue to feed the beast with our data, likes, and personal information, much like the characters in this comic, it begs to question where we finally draw a line in the sand.

Commentary aside, this blockbuster story wraps up in a satisfying way and similar to the story of Wall-E, (minor spoilers), the ending gives opportunity for hope and rebuilding but also enough space for the story to expand in a variety of paths. Guillory’s pacing in this issue is consistent with the story as a whole and I felt it ended in a way that left me content with my experience of Mosely’s journey.

Lotfi’s art and the colors from ??Jean-Francois Beaulieu continues to shine in this series with art that morphs in a ton of great ways. There’s the colorful tech filled panels, the action filled pages, and tender tranquil personal moments that make this comic a great visual experience.

Final Thoughts

Fans of this series will be happy with how the 5-issue arc ends and I hope the story continues past what has been released.

Mosely #5: The Tech Gods are No Match for…Family
  • Writing - 9/10
  • Storyline - 9.5/10
  • Art - 9.5/10
  • Color - 9.5/10
  • Cover Art - 9/10
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