Nubia: Queen of the Amazons #4

It’s Zillah versus Nubia for the power of Sekhmet! Once upon a time they were allies, but now they have been driven apart by a vindictive goddess. Can these women find peace and understanding in time to realize the real danger in front of them? Or is this the end of Nubia’s reign for good? Find out in the final issue of our miniseries!
Last issue, I was worried that the creative team behind the series wouldn’t be able to complete a satisfying conclusion to Nubia: Queen of the Amazons with only one issue left. But you know what? They’ve done it. Stephanie Williams and Alitha Martinez once again knocked this issue out of the park.
There are some great flashbacks featuring Zahavah that also introduce Sekhmet, the Egyptian goddess of healing. Sekhmet has only ever appeared very briefly in one issue before this one: Wonder Woman #177 back in 2002. The Wonderverse occasionally brings in other pantheons but mostly sticks to the Greek Gods, which makes the use of Sekhmet surprisingly fresh. It helps that her design by Alitha Martinez is absolutely stunning. Something tells me we haven’t seen the last of the goddess, and I can’t wait.
The core of the story lies within the conflict between Nubia and Neser (Zillah’s alter-ego). Nubia confronts her former friend, and a fantastic action sequence ensues. Something I really enjoyed throughout this issue is seeing Nubia’s intelligence as she solves various riddles given to her without even pausing to think. She’s a masterful strategist and warrior, which makes her a perfect addition to Wonder Woman’s core cast of characters. Neser, too, is a great addition to the lore. As a fan of villains, I love that this year has given us both Cuca as a foil for Yara Flor and Neser as one for Nubia, especially with the general misconception that the Wonder Family has a weak rogues gallery.
The story does end on a cliffhanger that ties into the main Wonder Woman title. As a huge fan of what Becky Cloonan and Michael W. Conrad have been doing with the series, I’m thrilled to see characters from this mini-series potentially show up in the main title. But what I’d really love to see is more Nubia solo stories by Williams, Martinez, and co. It’s hard for comics to be this good, and I hope DC Comics recognizes the talent behind Nubia: Queen of the Amazons.
Final Thoughts
The past year has been kind to the character of Nubia and her fans. We've had some of the best comic stories featuring the often-underutilized Wonder Woman character, and I'm hoping the strength of Nubia & The Amazons and Nubia: Queen of the Amazons leads to more adventures featuring the intelligent and powerful Amazon Queen.
Nubia: Queen of the Amazons #4: Making Peace is a Burden
- Writing - 9.5/109.5/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 9.5/109.5/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 7/107/10