Old Man Quill #5
Quill and the Guardians of the Galaxy continue to trek across the Wastelands with the Universal Church of Truth hot on their heels, they happen across a deserted town littered with partially eaten bodies, covered in strangely human bite marks. MADROX! Meanwhile forces led by Viv Vision work to track down the fabled Hero of Horse Creek.
How many different ways can I write “I like this book a lot but I wish it was in space”? Because, as I’m sorry to repeat, I like this book a lot but I wish it was in space. I get the appeal of having the setting be a character in your story and Ethan Sacks has done a great job of creating a vibrant, functioning, living Wasteland, my problem, and I realize I’m beating a dead horse here, is imagining that talent for characterization and world building and imagining what could be done with that talent in the cosmic arena. I really appreciate what this series is doing I just can’t read it without thinking about what could be. We did receive a brief interlude with the Nova corps, which only made me want it more! Also prediction: Galactus has joined the church.
That said, I really did like this issue, it spins it’s wheels a little bit but I love the idea of the (essentially) Zombie Madrox horde with the twist of if you don’t shoot them in the head they multiply before they die, clever. I thought the characterization was spot on and found the team to be pretty much tonally perfect along the lines of Abnett and Lanning era GOTG.
The art by Robert Gill and Andres Mossa is fantastic, arguably the best it’s been. His faces can still be a little off but I’ve gotten used to it and the action scenes are good.
I like the cover, but I really hate it when covers portray characters who aren’t even in the book, like Guardian.
Final Thoughts
A fun series with one lingering problem that will surely plague it until it's resolved.
Old Man Quill #5: The Walking Jamie
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 5/105/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 7/107/10
- Cover Art - 7/107/10