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Days of Anger: Part 5 (Old Man Logan #29 Comic Review)

The PENULTIMATE CHAPTER of DAYS OF ANGER! Even with the help of Hawkeye and Cambria, will Old Man Logan be able to stop The Maestro and his Hulk Gang from bringing nuclear holocaust to the world?

Writer: Ed Brisson
Artist: Mike Deodato Jr.
Colorist: Frank Martin
Publisher: Marvel Comics

What You Need to Know: While on vacation in Canada, Logan was jumped by a group of Hulks, a gang he thought he finished off in his reality, the Wastelands. Having survived his encounter, Logan begins tracking the gang to find out what their plans are. He learns the Maestro, an alternate version of Bruce Banner from the future, has brought the Hulk Gang with him to this universe to take over the world with nuclear bombs. Sending nukes all over the world, strapped to the backs of a Hulk Gang member, Maestro is about to claim victory…

What You’ll Find Out: Flashback: The Wastelands. Bruce Banner is dead. The remaining Hulk Gang, especially Billy Bob, are in mourning at his burial site. Walking through the group, the Maestro appears, with promises of a better life and a future, if they follow him…

Flash forward: Yukon Territory, Canada, Now. After confirmation from Puck, that they are facing the Maestro, Logan, with Hawkeye and former member of the Hulk Gang, Cambria, head off to stop his plans for world domination. Meanwhile, members of the Hulk Gang are arriving in different parts of the world, New York, New York, London, England, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, with nuclear bombs strapped to their backs. Back in the Yukon Territory, driving in a truck with the younger Hulk children, Maestro (in human form) assures the young Malakai that his older brothers and sisters will be fine. Just then an arrow hits the windshield. Hawkeye, with Logan and Cambria, warns Maestro to step out of the vehicle. Instead, Maestro speeds faster towards them, breaking through the front of the truck, fully transformed into the rampaging monster Maestro. A ferocious battle ensues, with Logan finally coming face to face with this version of the Hulk.

More Hulks land in other locations: Johannesburg, South Africa, St. Petersburg, Russia.
The Hulk Gang children, now transformed into their Hulk personas to survive the truck crash, rush towards Cambria, calling her a traitor. She tries to explain to them that they were all lied to, but they aren’t listening. Hawkeye shoots one with a tranquilizer arrow but it has no effect. The small but mighty Hulk child begins to pummel Hawkeye to the ground with Cambria shoving him out of the way. She doesn’t want to hurt them as she continues to plead with the children to listen to her. The battle between Maestro and Logan continues, with Logan telling him he has already lost. This infuriates Maestro even more. But as we see in New York City, when the bomb is triggered, a thick, foamy compound begins to pour out from the warhead, covering each Hulk in their location. Orbiting Earth, in the Alpha Flight space station, Puck informs the land team that Department H had built-in fail-safe’s put into the warheads if they ever got into the wrong hands. He informs them that he has called local law enforcement to collect the Hulks, now they must contend with Maestro.

The bloody battle between Logan and Maestro culminates with Logan stabbing him in the gut with all of his claws. Just as all seems won, the heroes turn to see Malakai, holding a nuke and threatening to open it if they don’t step away from the Maestro.

Final Thoughts: In Part 5 of Days of Anger, we finally see Logan battle the Maestro and it’s pretty savage. The battle scenes have been choreographed beautifully throughout this story arc and there’s no slowing down here! There are also some nice character interludes; between Hawkeye and Cambria, the flashback opening scene, even the scenes with Malakai and Maestro…you just KNOW something is going to happen with this inquisitive young boy. I really like the interaction between Logan and Hawkeye, and would love to see them together more, even possibly making this a “buddy book”. Ed Brisson has a lot to be proud of with this arc and has continued to make me want more with each installment. Mike Deodato Jr.’s use of panels is fantastic. They frame his meticulously drawn figures and scenes beautifully. Every issue feels like “an event” and I hope this team stays with the title for a long run. Stunning work!

Rating 9/10

Final thought: I recommend picking up issues #25-#28 if you haven’t already. This arc has been truly enjoyable and exciting. I can’t wait for the finale!

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