Fantastic Four #10: Haunted Space
Fantastic Four #10
Science fiction meets haunted house in Fantastic Four #10. @ryanqnorth, Fernandez, Aburtov, and Caramagna deliver another can’t miss issue. @Marvel #Marvel #FantasticFour
DetailsFantastic Four #10
Science fiction meets haunted house in Fantastic Four #10. @ryanqnorth, Fernandez, Aburtov, and Caramagna deliver another can’t miss issue. @Marvel #Marvel #FantasticFour
DetailsDoctor Strange #6
Doctor Strange #6 Doctor Strange #6 is an excellent bottle issue that delves into one of the most heartbreaking versions of Doctor Strange we’ve ever seen, from @jedmackay #JuanGedeon @kikinhoj @corypetit @thealexrossart, & @Marvel.
DetailsMoon Knight #26
Moon Knight #26 (@jedmackay @Fe_Sabbatini88 @rachellecheri & #TravisLanham) shines a new light on Hunter’s Moon with radiant colors and expressive art.
DetailsMagneto #1
AN INCREDIBLE First issue of@JMDeMatteis. It’s like getting inside Magento’s head. A powerful and introspective issue that’s getting to the heart of who Magneto was, is, and will be, as well as his and mutant legacy, with tons of nods to X-men history.
DetailsX-Men #25
It’s a brand new day, but it’s a dark one for the #MerryMutants. Join #Shadowkat & the rest as they work to bring down #ORCHIS. By @gerryduggan & #StefanoCaselli!
DetailsAstonishing Iceman #1
Astonishing Iceman #1 is a blizzard of fun for any minor or major fans of the character, from @thesteveorlando @carratu_art @JavierTartaglia #TravisLanham, & @Marvel.
DetailsBuffy The Last Vampire Slayer #1
Buffy struggles with her new life as a Watcher and Thessaly struggles to keep her many lives together in the first issue of “Buffy: The Last Vampire Slayer”. #BuffyTheVampireSlayer #BOOMStudios @BoomStudios @faureiana
DetailsQuest #1
Quest #1 from Jonathan Luna and Crystal Wood is a refreshing first issue that manages to world build, develop characters, and provide fantastic art—all within its 32 page entry. Fantasy readers will not want to miss out. @JonathanLunaCom @ImageComics #CrystalWood
DetailsPeacemaker Tries Hard! #4
What do cocaine, a lost puppy, and bees lifting weights have in common? If your answer is Peacemaker, you’d be correct and you’d be laughing hysterically at the latest issue from DC Black Label. This issue is legitimately funny and brings in DC mythology in a current day story for an entertaining read. @TheKyleStarks @stevepughcom & @DCOfficial
DetailsJustice Society of America #5
The #JSA triumphs over #PerDegaton, but what does that mean for the timeline? #JusticeSocietyofAmerica by Geoff Johns & Mikel Janin.
DetailsKnight Terrors: Ravager #2
Knight Terrors: Ravager #2 (@edbrisson @dextersoy @VeronicaGandini #TroyPeteri @DCOfficial) blends slasher tropes and high octane action for a fascinating character study.
DetailsKnight Terrors – Black Adam #2
Knight Terrors – Black Adam #2 is a strong second half to the Knight Terrors tie in with an epic, skill filled panels, that humanizes the Black Adam without straying from his egotistical persona. @dcofficial @jerhaun @nickfil