Mighty Morphin #20: You’re the Rock, Dude
Mighty Morphin #20
Can Rocky save the day from a mediocre villain? Find out in our review of MIGHTY MORPHIN #20! @MathewGroom @MoisesHidalgoo #RaulAngulo & @eDukeDW! @BoomStudios #PowerRangers
DetailsMighty Morphin #20
Can Rocky save the day from a mediocre villain? Find out in our review of MIGHTY MORPHIN #20! @MathewGroom @MoisesHidalgoo #RaulAngulo & @eDukeDW! @BoomStudios #PowerRangers
DetailsTHE WARD #1
THE WARD #1 (@cavanscott, @starmanfrombey1, Mantella) takes medical TV tropes and smartly combines them with a fantasy twist for a well-crafted, supernatural medical drama that holds your attention through excellent character interaction. @DarkHorseComics
DetailsVenom #8
VENOM #8 (@Al_Ewing @THEBRYANHITCH @Manwithapencil @andyowensart @Sinccolor @PeteColors) whisks Eddie Brock into the far future for an epic sci-fi adventure in a must-read issue for any #Venom fan! #MarvelComics @Marvel
DetailsMarauders #3
MARAUDERS #3 is an allegory of the struggles of #queer people who want to uncover their histories, wrapped up in a sci-fi/body horror package. @thesteveorlando @eloelo #MattMilla @Comment_Airy #XMen #DestinyOfX @Marvel #MarvelComics
DetailsLegion of X #2
Smart writing, astonishing art, and a side of psychedelic psychology make LEGION OF X #2 one of the best books out right now! @sispurrier @Janbazaldua67 @Toonfed @corypetit #XMen #DestinyOfX #MarvelComics @Marvel
DetailsAmazing Spider-Man #3
In AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #3 ( @JoeCaramagna @Menyz @inkerscott1 @TheRealJRJr1 @zebwells ), Peter is held captive by Tombstone. How in the world is he gonna survive that? @Marvel #MarvelComics #SpiderMan
DetailsSavage Avengers #2
SAVAGE AVENGERS is owning #comics right now – read it and find out why! @Marvel, @Peposed, @CarlosMagno1312 & #EspenGrundetjern are shaking the world upside-down, and issue 2 is another 10/10 ! #Conan #Daredevil #BlackKnight #MarvelComics #CloakAndDagger
DetailsDark Crisis #1
With the Justice League gone, the DC Universe falls under siege in DARK CRISIS #1! #DCComics #DarkCrisis @Sampere_art @Williamson_Josh #AlejandroSanchez @TENapolitano @DCComics
DetailsBatman #124
Both a standalone story and a coda to the Abyss arc, BATMAN #124 is a satisfying breather after a long chain of multipart arcs. @jfornes74 #Dani #DCComics @DCComics @Williamson_Josh @GWillowWilson #Batman
DetailsFlashpoint Beyond #2
In Flashpoint Beyond #2 ( @geoffjohns @Iamtimsheridan @spacekicker @Xermanico @MikelJanin #JordieBellaire @rfajardojr #robleigh ) #Batman dives into a second mystery, while still trying to solve the first! #DCComics @DCComics
DetailsBatman: Killing Time #4
BATMAN: KILLING TIME #4: @TomKingTK #ClaytonCowles @DaveMarquez and #AlejandroSanchez are absolutely killing it with this series. @DCComics #DCComics #Batman
DetailsArcher & Armstrong Forever #2
ADVANCED REVIEW! Humor is global in this exciting issue of @ValiantComics’ ARCHER & ARMSTRONG FOREVER! @steve_foxe does it again with a fast paced and funny issue for the new series! #StayValiant #HumorForever #Archer #Armstrong