The Deviant #5: Awakening

The Deviant #5

The police have found the new Deviant KIller. Or have they? Following last issue’s shocking conclusion that revealed a bloody Santa suit in Michael’s closet, The Deviant #5 explores a critical moment in Michael’s past. But a moment of self discovery in his youth may have left him as the perfect suspect for murder. The…


Blood Journal Week #1: Amazing Spider-Man #49, Blood Hunters #1, Dracula: Blood Hunt #1, Strange Academy: Blood Hunt #1

Amazing Spider-Man #49, Blood Hunters #1, Dracula: Blood Hunt #1, Strange Academy: Blood Hunt #1

Find out about the strong issues (@zebwells @JrRomita @manruss @EricaSchultz42 @weredawgz @carratu_art @Marvel & more) kicking off a solid set of tie-ins for Blood Hunt, trading massive stakes for the smaller and personal in Blood Journal.
