King Grimlock #1: You’ve Got The Wrong Bot
King Grimlock #1
King Grimlock #1 sets up a D&D campaign starring the one and only leader of the Dinobots, courtesy Steve Orlando, Agustin Padilla, Jeremy Colwell, & Jake M. Wood! @IDWPublishing
DetailsKing Grimlock #1
King Grimlock #1 sets up a D&D campaign starring the one and only leader of the Dinobots, courtesy Steve Orlando, Agustin Padilla, Jeremy Colwell, & Jake M. Wood! @IDWPublishing
DetailsCrime Syndicate #6
In Crime Syndicate #6 ( @39aAndy #KieranMcKeown #DexterVines @THEBRYANHITCH #SteveOliff ) Ultraman and company bring this series and if you think the bad guys always win…think again! @DCComics #DCInfiniteFrontier
DetailsLucky Devil #1
From a series I knew nothing about to eagerly awaiting the next issue; I say that is a win for Lucky Devil #1 @cullenbunn @Fran_Galan_art @DarkHorseComics #ElTorres #LuckyDevil #ComicBooks
DetailsThe Nice House On The Lake #3
The Nice House on the Lake #3 ( @JamesTheFourth @AMartinezBueno #JordieBellaire) is a revelation. Horrors, existential, interpersonal, and cosmic, burst through the bloody pages of this book. It’s a shame that it’s only released once a month. @DCComics
DetailsThe Dreaming: Waking Hours #12
There are happy endings and sweet dreams in The Dreaming: The Waking Hours #12 as the imaginative and gorgeous limited series comes to an end. @GWillowWilson @ArtofNickRobles @_matlopes_ @SimonBowland #DCBlackLabel @DCComics
DetailsThe Me You Love In The Dark #1
The Me You Love in the Dark #1 (@skottieyoung @jecorona #JeanFrancoisBeaulieu @blambot) is a chilling tale driven by familiar fears: ghosts & creative block. The creative team behind #Middlewest seem more inspired than ever! @ImageComics
DetailsImmortal Hulk #49
Immortal Hulk #49 has arrived, and this is it, folks. Only one issue left, and @Al_Ewing and @JoeBenn33636019 are pulling out all the stops to make the end of their landmark run a story to remember. @Marvel #Hulk
DetailsSinister War #2
In Sinister War #2 ( #NickSpencer @edbrisson #MarkBagley @JoeCaramagna ) all hell keeps breaking loose! Spidey’s getting more and more overwhelmed and where the heck are MJ and Dr. Strange? And the mystery of Kindred still awaits… @Marvel #SpiderMan
DetailsAmazing Fantasy #1
Amazing Fantasy #1: #KaareAndrews has always delivered a very unique flare with his one-of-kind art style and strong story telling, and this comic more than delivers on the promise of it’s creator. Don’t let it fly under your radar! @Marvel
DetailsX-MEN #2
X-MEN #2 ( @GerryDuggan @PepeLarraz @martegracia #ClaytonCowles) continues to define this new era with flawless art, alongside solid fun writing that shows it’s very clearly aware and acknowledges past canon while forging this new story. @Marvel #XMen
DetailsJustice League #66
Calling all members of the #JusticeLeague. The Hall of Justice has Fallen. Join us for a review of #DCComics Justice League #66!
@BRIANMBENDIS @philhester @trishm @therightram @kumar_sumit92 @rfajardojr #robleigh
DC Horror Presents: The Conjuring: The Lover #3
DC Horror Presents: The Conjuring: The Lover #3 continues to scare the pants off of readers while demonstrating exactly what fans of the films and horror in general want in a comic @RexOgle @GarryBoom @HackinTimSeeley #TheConjuring #DCHorror