Fantastic Four #23: And the Children Shall Save Them
Fantastic Four #23
Fantastic Four #23 (Slott, Medina, Aburtov, Caramagna) How does your garden grow? With alien plants and Krees and Skrulls and super kids all in a row!
DetailsFantastic Four #23
Fantastic Four #23 (Slott, Medina, Aburtov, Caramagna) How does your garden grow? With alien plants and Krees and Skrulls and super kids all in a row!
DetailsAtlantis Wasn’t Built for Tourists #1
While Atlantis Wasn’t Built for Tourists #1 (Palicki, Cavalcanti, Dale, Lee) may feel familiar in its setup, it excels in laying the foundation for a story with a lot of potential in bringing horror to the forefront with a strong sense of tension and suspense.
DetailsStar Wars Adventures The Clone Wars Battle Tales #4
Star Wars Adventures The Clone Wars Battle Tales #4 (Moreci, Charm, Tinto, Delgado. Deer, Wood) features the Clone Troopers waiting for the Jedi’s help, and a take where one of them abandons their brothers! Get in here and see this!!
DetailsStar Wars Bounty Hunters #4
Star Wars Bounty Hunters #4 (Sacks, Villanelli, Prianto, Lanham) sets up the big discovery that will propel this series into the future. You have GOT to read this issue!!!
DetailsTartarus #5
While Tartarus #5 (@j_xmas @NewJackCole, @campbellletters) may focus on an eclipse, neither writing nor art eclipses the other. Bursting with intricate twists and elaborate art, it’s an ambitious albeit flawed ending to a fascinating first arc. Where will Tartarus take Tilde next?
DetailsTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Reborn, Vol 1 -From the Ashes
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Vol 1. From the Ashes (Campbell, Pattison, Lee) collects issues 101-105 and beautifully captures the pain and emotional trauma of the turtles and captures a city on the brink of peril and destruction. The turtles will need to find a way to come back together and save not only the city but themselves.
DetailsLonely Receiver #1
Lonely Receiver #1 delivers an introspective and futuristic look at the consequences of artificially constructed yet genuine love, giving readers a beautifully thought provoking story. @ZacbeThompson @thejensington @SimonBowland @AftershockComix
DetailsSpawn #309
Spawn #309 (McFarlane Lashley Steigerwald Orzechowski) is an exciting book because it captures the best parts of the long running story & pushes it in new and interesting directions. It’s tapping into something great, so don’t miss out! @ImageComics
DetailsFire Power #3
Fire Power #3 once again capitalizes on powerhouse artwork using nearly perfect pacing to build drama and tension that keeps you anxiously excited for each new page. @RobertKirkman @ChrisSamnee @colornmatt @ruswooton @imagecomics
DetailsEmpyre #6
Empyre #6: What more needs to be said here, with a story that is a winner in every way? The conclusion of Empyre is @Marvel storytelling in its most satisfying style. @Al_Ewing @ValerioSchiti @Martegracia @JoeCaramagna
DetailsMarvel Zombies: Resurrection #1
Marvel Zombies: Resurrection (Johnson, Kirk, Rosenberg, Lanham) The world is not the same and neither are our heroes. Forge, Spider-Man, Moonstone, and the rest of the group will traverse the infected world dodging the undead looking for a cure.
DetailsKing of Nowhere #5
King of Nowhere #5 (Prince, Jenkins, Jenkins, Andworld Design) finishes this series as it began: hard to put down due to a constant hope that it might improve. Yet, lovable characters and the book’s off-kilter artistic brilliance remain undercut by its unbalanced story and uninteresting protagonist.