Fallen Angels #3: Behold the Peace of the One-Mind
Fallen Angels #3
Fallen Angels #3 loses much of the momentum gained from prior issues at it sets up Apoth for a much larger confrontation in an action-oriented narrative.
DetailsFallen Angels #3
Fallen Angels #3 loses much of the momentum gained from prior issues at it sets up Apoth for a much larger confrontation in an action-oriented narrative.
DetailsDeathbringer #1
Deathbringer #1 (Quinn, Peeples, Prianto) wasn’t my favorite of the introductory one-shots, but with decent art and good writing, it was still an enjoyable experience.
DetailsCATALYST PRIME: 7 Days #3
LION FORGE’s CATALYST PRIME: 7 DAYS issue #3 (Simone, Luis, Trinidade, Madsen, Semafonte) is a masterclass in inclusive storytelling and embodies the best of superhero comics genre!
DetailsAnnihilation Scourge: Silver Surfer #1
Annihilation Scourge: Silver Surfer #1 (Abnett, Davidson, Milla): Well can we just keep it real here? If Dan Abnett’s name is on a comic you already know you’re in for a good time
DetailsSUNDAY CLASSICS: The Manhattan Projects volume 1
Join us for a look back at The Manhattan Projects volume 1. Nothing like a light piece of historical fiction to brighten your Sunday!
DetailsAlien Reality
Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality #1 (of 5) (David, Land, Leisten) drop-kicks Spidey into a wild and weird alternate reality – with results you won’t believe! This comic is an absolute blast!
DetailsGhost Rider #3
Ghost Rider #3 (Brisson, Frigeri, Keith) is essentially one long setup for what’s to come. It’s an important issue to develop the overarching story, but it loses what made the first two issues so fun in the process.
DetailsGwenpool Strikes Back #4
While not perfect, I find Gwenpool Strikes Back #4 (Williams, Hastings, Baldeon, Aburtov) to be a coherent and enjoyable read. If the concept of the series is Gwen’s wacky hijinks, then it is hitting the mark. But with one issue to go, I’m losing hope for something more.
DetailsBatman and the Outsiders #8
Batman and the Outsiders #8 (Hill, Soy, Gandini, Cowles) is a great step in the right direction for the series, capturing a fundamental sense of heart for the team while entrenching them deeper in a dangerous mystery that is sure to explode at any moment.
DetailsThe Butcher of Paris #1
The Butcher of Paris #1 (Phillips, Kotz, Wordie, Peteri) sheds a terrifying light on a monster nearly lost to history and the limits of human empathy.
DetailsSuperman #18
Superman #18 (Bendis, Reis, Prado, Sinclair, Sharpe) reveals the Man of Steel’s identity to the DC Universe at large but what will the underlying impact to the character of Superman be as we move forward?
DetailsSpider-Verse #3
Spider-Verse #3 (MacKay, Ruan) takes us to a world where Spidey is a giant robot!!! And it stinks.