Jane Foster: Valkyrie #5: How About Them Apples
Jane Foster: Valkyrie #5
Jane Foster: Valkyrie #5 (Ewing, Aaron, CAFU, Aburtov) is filled with stunning visuals that make a satisfying conclusion to the first arc of Jane’s turn as Valkyrie!
DetailsJane Foster: Valkyrie #5
Jane Foster: Valkyrie #5 (Ewing, Aaron, CAFU, Aburtov) is filled with stunning visuals that make a satisfying conclusion to the first arc of Jane’s turn as Valkyrie!
DetailsPsi-Lords #7
Psi-Lords #7 (Van Lente, Guedes) The end seems to be nigh as Nihilo the Vampire Star system draws nearer to the Earth!
DetailsBatman/Superman #4
Batman/Superman #4 (Williamson, Marquez, Sanchez) The Batman Who Laughs is genuinely a credible threat and things are looking dire for the DC Universe after this amazing issue!
DetailsExcalibur #3
Excalibur (Howard, To, Arciniega) hits its stride in issue #3. Dragons, fairies, and special surprise guest stars abound!
DetailsCrone #2
While the dive into Bliss’s past is intriguing, Crone #2 (Culver, Greenwood, Simpson, Brousseau) doesn’t quite hit the right notes for a strong continuation of the series.
DetailsX-Men #3
X-Men #3 (Hickman, Yu) This issue is SUCH a dramatic improvement from the first two that it might have sprung from another mind. Trust me. You’re going to want to pick this one up.
DetailsCriminal #10
Criminal #10 (Brubaker, Phillips, Phillips) The Cruel Summer begins to build to a head as common goals are realized and the seeds of betrayal are made ready.
DetailsBlade Runner 2019 #1
Blade Runner 2019 #1 (Michael Green, Mike Johnson, Andres Guinaldo, Marco Lesko) is the rare perfect 10 that sucks you in and doesn’t let you take a breath until you’ve finished reading. The action is continuous from the first and crafts a thrilling mystery that keeps you emotionally engaged and craving more.
DetailsSHAZAM #8
After a myriad of delays, SHAZAM #8 (Johns, Kolins, Atiyeh, Leigh) continues to chug along with the expansion and revision of the SHAZAM lore by revealing the Seventh Champion.
DetailsVenom #20
Venom #20 (Cates, Coello, Beredo) Eddie comes clean on his relationship with Dylan, however, who is the Counsel of Reeds?
DetailsStar Trek: Year Five #8
Star Trek: Year Five #8 (Lazing, Kelly, Thompson) tackles the issue of gender identity. Because what’s Star Trek without ripped from the headlines controversial issues?
DetailsAngel may be missing in #7 of his series (Hill, Melnikov, Titov), but that doesn’t mean the supporting cast isn’t getting time to shine! Fred, Gunn, and Spike step into the spotlight! PLUS: two classic characters from the show make their debuts this issue!