Aero #1: Cyclones Made to Order
Aero #1
Aero is a perfect book for an afternoon read where you can zone out into it and just be entertained from the first page all the way to the last one.
DetailsAero #1
Aero is a perfect book for an afternoon read where you can zone out into it and just be entertained from the first page all the way to the last one.
DetailsFIREFLY #8
Firefly #8: As the crew of the Serenity try to gather their wayward companions they stumble unwittingly towards a war they may have created themselves.
DetailsJustice League #29
Justice League #29 (Snyder, Tynion IV, Redondo) provides a perfect jumping on point for new readers while helping long-time readers re-organize the events of the past two years in a way that facilitates the move into the “Justice/Doom War.”
DetailsDoom Patrol Weight of the Worlds #2
“Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds #2” has so much character work hidden behind uniquely wild and fantastic narrative concepts that it can be difficult to determine just where the story is going, but it never fails to be incredibly entertaining.
DetailsCoffin Bound #1
In a world where death comes quickly, it is easy to think you are born to be coffin bound.
DetailsGoddess Mode #6
Goddess Mode #6 concludes Zoë Quinn’s exciting cyberpunk story.
DetailsMarvel Team-Up #4
Although scattered in its narrative, “Marvel Team-Up #4” brings to light an interesting discussion surrounding cultural identity, making this issue truly worthwhile.
DetailsPunk Mambo #4
Simply put, Cullen Bunn and Adam Gorham have just raised the bar yet again for what promises to be the gold standard for Punk Mambo stories.
DetailsAbsolute Carnage #1
Carnage is in NYC with a few days to kill, everyone is a target but who is first on his list?
DetailsBlack Panther #14
T’Challa wants to go home, but he is needed elsewhere. N’Jadaka threatens the galaxy, but he may meet his maker if the Maroons have their way! Hold onto something, this is going to get bumpy!
DetailsWonder Woman 74
Diana faces off against Hippolyta in Dimension Chi
DetailsGuardians of the Galaxy #7
‘Guardians of the Galaxy #7’ is a well executed space opera with all the right ingredients for a great story. Only time will tell if it can live up to its own expectations!