Dead Man Logan #9: Friends in South Dakota
Dead Man Logan #9
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again– if you aren’t reading Dead Man Logan, you’re missing out on one hell of a book!
DetailsDead Man Logan #9
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again– if you aren’t reading Dead Man Logan, you’re missing out on one hell of a book!
DetailsIronheart #8
‘Ironheart #8’ continues the recent team-up nature of the series with a beautiful introduction of Doctor Strange in the Sanctum Sanctorum. It’s full of drama and heart, but it also feels more concerned with getting Riri to her next destination. Will the next issue make this worthwhile? We will have to just wait and see!
DetailsThe Punisher vs. JJJ vs. Space (and also vs. the Brood Queen)
The Punisher shoots the Brood… in space! With J. Jonah Jameson along for the ride?!
DetailsThor #15
Malekith receives his punishment in Hel whilst Thor makes big plans for the future of Asgard!
DetailsBlack Hammer/Justice League: Hammer of Justice! #1
The team-up you didn’t know you wanted. The worlds of Black Hammer and Justice League combine in this exciting first chapter of a five issue mini-series.
DetailsAge of X-Man: Apocalypse and the X-Tracts #5
The stunning conclusion to Apocalypse and the X-Tracts heralds the end of the “Age of X-Man” in spectacular (and beautiful) fashion.
DetailsRed Sonja: Birth of the She-Devil #2
Although not quite as excellent as the first issue, ‘Red Sonja: Birth of the She-Devil #2’ overcomes pacing flaws to continue a brutal and complicated story packed full of gorgeous visuals.
DetailsJim Henson’s The StoryTeller: Sirens: Tale #3 (of 4)
In Jim Henson’s StoryTeller: Sirens #3 Sara Webb tells a wholesome tale using the selkies of Scittish lore.
DetailsVenom #16
The War is over, the war begins. Has Eddie Brock survived the War of the Realms only to fall facefirst into Absolute Carnage?!
DetailsAge of X-Man: Prisoner X #5
A rather predictable end to an otherwise quite well-constructed series, Age of X-Man: Prisoner X #5 simply suffers from being tied to a larger event.
DetailsBatman #75
After reading this issue I can say that (assuming that King can resist the urge to ruin the pacing by spreading the story out until it is thinner than a wet poppadom) City of Bane looks like it will be a very fun, very wild ride indeed.
DetailsFlash #74
The future is coming for novice hero Barry Allen! What’s a rookie to do?1