Invisible Woman #1: “Mrs. Richards, You’re Needed”
Invisible Woman #1
The heroine of The Fantastic Four strikes out on her own—as an undercover operative for the CIA. It’s a far cry from battling Dr. Doom and Galactus…
DetailsInvisible Woman #1
The heroine of The Fantastic Four strikes out on her own—as an undercover operative for the CIA. It’s a far cry from battling Dr. Doom and Galactus…
DetailsWar of the Realms Omega #1
War of the Realms Omega resolves nothing and leaves loose ends loose on the tail end of Marvel’s spring event.
DetailsBatman #74
Balancing good psychology with roaring action is no easy task, but it is one which the team of King, Bellaire, and Janin have absolutely knocked out of the park. This issue more than redeems the somewhat weaker passages we had to slog through to get here.
DetailsStar Wars #68
“It is a dark time for the Rebellion. Although the Death Star has been destroyed, Imperial troops have driven the Rebel forces from their hidden base and pursued them across the galaxy.” This is what the opening crawl of Empire Strikes Back says. It is also how Rebels and Rogues begins. The issue opened not…
DetailsSpider-Man! Kindred! Mysterio! Mary Jane! Everybody’s here for this extra-sized anniversary issue!
DetailsArchie #705
Check out the enjoyable start of Nick Spencer and Sandy Jarrell’s “Archie and Sabrina” arc in Archie #705.
We review WOLVERINE VS BLADE #1 which is marvelously illustrated, fails to make a real impression from a writing point of view but is still entertaining as a whole.
DetailsCANTO #1
Often at times, when we notice a new comic book series and that “#1”, it’s like candy to our imagination. Then at the same time, we are apprehensive to pay the piper, because the music may not hit our soul. CANTO #1 is a worthy beat and the sugar that excites our imagination. Immediately, after…
DetailsRed Sonja: Birth of the She-Devil #1
‘Red Sonja: Birth of the She-Devil #1’ lives up to it’s name by exploring a young Sonja hellbent on taking anyone down in her path, be it with violence or fire-whiskey!
DetailsCaptain America and the Invaders: The Bahama Triangle #1
Captain America and the Invaders: The Bahama Triangle captures the spirit of an era in comics that has fallen by the wayside, guided by the legendary hands of Roy Thomas and Jerry Ordway.
DetailsSavage Avengers #3
‘Savage Avengers #3’ does the impossible and finds a way to bring this – shall we say diverse – cast of violent characters together for a grim adventure packed full of stunningly dark visuals. This is a book that knows what it is, and excels because of it.
DetailsEvent Leviathan #2
Batman puts together the team I never knew I needed.