Wonder Woman #66: The Great Outdoors
Wonder Woman #66
Diana and Giganta face off against a titan in Colorado
DetailsWonder Woman #66
Diana and Giganta face off against a titan in Colorado
DetailsFantastic Four #8
The triumphant Dr. Doom shows how truly sadistic he can be. But wait for the payback, because it is RICH!
DetailsLabyrinth: Coronation #12
Labyrinth: Coronation #12 is as fitting a conclusion as one could wish for.
DetailsUNCANNY X-MEN #14
Uncanny X-Men #14: The X-Men are down but not out. Proving that they don’t need a mansion to work from they take on more than just one threat at a time. And move on the offensive in a way that others fail to expect from them.
DetailsDial H for Hero #1
‘Dial H for Hero #1’ is off to strong start as we meet young Miguel, the newest possessor of the Dial!
DetailsMiles Morales Spider-Man #4
A day in the life of Miles Morales is just as crazy as a day in the life of Spider-Man.
DetailsLivewire #4
If one needed a solid foundation to step foot into the Valiant universe Vita Ayala just handed you four issues perfect for just that. Something intriguing without being overwhelming and familiar to older fans like myself without becoming stale. Besides when’s the last time we got handed a strong independent black woman who didn’t need no man in her own book that wasn’t Storm? Bottom line Livewire is a solid series that already shows great promise and the potential to become just as synonymous with the name “Valiant” as Ninjak, Bloodshot or X-O Manowar.
DetailsCoda #10
Coda #10 makes us question what is to be believed in an exciting issue filled with big reveals.
DetailsSavage Sword of Conan #3
Conan fights Koga Thun and his cult in an action packed thrill ride!
DetailsThe Flash #67
‘The Flash #67’: A new story-arc starts here as Barry must figure out why everybody in Central City is… happy?
DetailsInvisible Kingdom #1
Grix and Vess come from opposite worlds, but they are about to discover a potential conspiracy that will bring the two closer together than they could have ever imagined in Invisible Kingdom #1
DetailsSabrina the Teenage Witch #1
Sabrina the Teenage Witch #1 delivers it all; a talking cat, a high school bully, and… a wendigo?