Amazing Spider-Man #16.HU: The Black (Cat) Album
The Black Cat is back! But will her newly-revived memories of her relationship with Spider-Man turn her from friend to foe?
DetailsThe Black Cat is back! But will her newly-revived memories of her relationship with Spider-Man turn her from friend to foe?
DetailsNightwing #57
New love, new villains, new Nightwings, new Grayson? New fandom for me!
DetailsAge of X-Man: Prisoner X #1
“Age of X-Man: Prisoner X #1′ welcomes Bishop to the Danger Room Prison Complex. Hope he survives the experience. This is for his own good, after all…
In this final issue, Derek “Sidways” James confronts his mother’s killer!
DetailsStar Wars Vader: Dark Visions #1
It’s the Lord of Sith versus a world killing space kaiju and yes it’s as glorious as it sounds in our review of Marvel’s Star Wars Vader Dark Visions #1!
DetailsWonder Woman #64
Veronica Cale returns to remind Diana that there are things that cut deeper than a god’s battle axe…
DetailsOld Lady Harley #5
Old Lady Harley #5 shows a penchant for Harley Quinn’s toxic relationship with the Joker that quickly turns this miniseries into a gross misstep for the character. At least there is fully operational Batcavatron though…
DetailsBatman #66
Elegant, deeply-psychological writing paired with deliberately noirish art and at least one giant tentacle-monster. What more do you need from a comic?
DetailsX-TREMISTS #1
The X-MEN are living the ultimate utopia mutant dream with an alteration; romance and sexual actions are lawfully forbidden! Blob, Iceman, Jubilee, Moneta, Northstar, and Psylocke are Department X, a team that polices those who breach the guiding principles.
DetailsStarfire returns to Tamaran and discovers all is not as she remembered it…
DetailsLucifer #4
Lucifer is caught in a hell of his own making and someone has moved the exit on him.
Terminator: Sector War #3: Beat cop Lucy Castro must walk headlong into enemy territory and make a deal with the devil in order to survive the mechanical killer on her trail.