Cloak & Dagger #5: In My End Is My Beginning
Cloak & Dagger #5
Sometimes, you’ve just got to remember who the hell you are.
DetailsCloak & Dagger #5
Sometimes, you’ve just got to remember who the hell you are.
DetailsTitans #27
Death, loss, and uncertainty push these Titans to their limits, which is exactly the crucible every good hero has to undergo from time to time. Can they function without Nightwing at the helm?
DetailsMR & MRS X #4
Rogue and Gambit have to escape not only the Avian clutches of the Shi’ar, but also break Xandra out of the clink and contend with a three way battle for the fate of the Shi’ar throne world. They’re going to need a holiday to recover from this holiday.
DetailsAvengers #9
Looks like Atlantean threats are popular in comics lately, bad news for the Avengers but great news for readers!
DetailsRunaways # 14
A good ‘snack’, if not an entirely satisfying issue; the Old Lace parts definitely stands out as the better, if not too necessary, half of this two-in-one installment.
DetailsInfinity Wars #4
Infinity Wars #4 is a transitional issue for not only to lead into a greater story, this also provides some imagination for a “What if” type crossover stories.
DetailsSideways #9
Sideways finds himself in a hard position thanks to Perrus. But when an old face returns, are they friend or foe?
DetailsThe Dreaming #2
Desperate to stop the decline of the Dreaming, Merv turns to extreme measures to fix things. Will he halt the chaos or let new destruction loose on the land?
DetailsHarley Quinn #52
Harley Quinn #52 finds Harley still trying to pick up the pieces of her continuity crushing adventure, but she may learn a valuable lesson about her own past in the process!
DetailsPlastic Man #5
Eel O’Brian takes a flexible view of morality: you walk on your side of the line, he’ll keep his feet on his (no promises about his hands, eyes, ears or midsection).
DetailsThe Flash #56
Let’s take a look inside Mick Rory’s head… said nobody ever.