Sara vol 1: A Winter in Leningrad
Sara vol 1
Sara is a young Soviet Sniper taking on the Nazi army in an attempt to silence her inner demons, take a (spoiler free!) look at new publisher TKO Studios new series!
DetailsSara vol 1
Sara is a young Soviet Sniper taking on the Nazi army in an attempt to silence her inner demons, take a (spoiler free!) look at new publisher TKO Studios new series!
DetailsThe Walking Dead #187
Rick begins to feel the weight of a much larger world on his shoulders in The Walking Dead #187.
DetailsMarvel Knights 20th #4
Meet T’Challa, a man who goes out of his way to help the downtrodden despite being barely able to make ends meet. As circumstances begin to careen out of his control, he begins to grasp hints of a past life in ‘Marvel Knights 20th #4’.
DetailsIt’s Cyborg versus Azrael, as the machine worlds find their savior returned!
DetailsCover #4
Another mind-bending look at modern social structures and the ways forward towards the mid-21st century world, brought to you by Bendis and Mack in ‘Cover’ #4.
DetailsFirefly #2
FIREFLY #2: The crew of the Serenity continue to escort the pilgrims to their destination while being chased by the alliance who has branded Zoe and Mal war criminals. But with Mal having had his fill of war, does he have any fight left in him?
DetailsAction Comics #1006
The mysterious rise of Red Cloud as Metropolis’s latest villain continues in Action Comics #1006 as Superman struggles once more to do what is truly right.
DetailsConan the Barbarian #1
Conan has returned! What did you think of this new adventure from Jason Aaron and the house of ideas?
DetailsMR & MRS X #6
Mr & Mrs X #6: During some well deserved down time, Remy and Rogue catch up with some friends, but don’t count for some uninvited guests.
DetailsThor #8
Plot troubles are slightly mitigated by wonderful art and the inclusion of Thori. Thori makes everything better.
DetailsDarth Vader #25
oule has a talent for balancing sledgehammer heavy action with artful plot seed planting, and the way he uses both here shows that he’s truly gets Vader. Not just as a battle-hardened killing machine (although he nails that too) but also as the tragically flawed man underneath the mask.
DetailsJustice League #14
JUSTICE LEAGUE #14: ESCAPE FROM HAWKWORLD. Even as Batman tries to figure out what happened with Starman and what his connection is with the Source Wall, Martian Manhunter leads a small expedition to Thaganar Prime but they aren’t quite as friendly as when he left.