Me Am Me (Red Hood and the Outlaws #18 Comic Review)
When H.I.V.E. Queen comes to Gotham, things within the Outlaws team begin to unravel.
DetailsWhen H.I.V.E. Queen comes to Gotham, things within the Outlaws team begin to unravel.
DetailsAnother excellent issue of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps, one of DC’s most consistently excellent books in recent years!
DetailsAnother great issue from the man who killed Superman, Dan Jurgens! Anyone get a Booster Shot this week!?
DetailsIt’s that time of the week again, Ancient History, this weeks edition is Blue Beetle (1967) from Charleton Comics, illustrated by the legendary Steve Ditko!!!!
DetailsSuicide Squad has changed creative teams 3 times in 3 months, this new team is taking the book in an interesting direction, an interesting idea really…
DetailsWhile fighting to save children from the evil General Uma, Victor Stone’s wish to be human again is granted! But is he willing to sacrifice his last chance to live a normal life if that’s what it takes to rescue the children? Or will he save himself and give up his own immortal soul in the bargain?
DetailsA series with a lackluster start somehow manages to sink further into it’s unfortunate rut, what could’ve been an interesting alternate universe story is less.
DetailsFor over a century, MI6 has honed an elite branch of assassins, ruthlessly effective, as well crafted as a Hattori Hanzo sword, the last line of defense, the most well trained shadow army in existence, the Ninja Programme. Now, an enemy from within is making lethal moves, and Ninja-k, aka Colin King, a fearless instrument of death, must locate and annihilate this threat before all is lost.
DetailsNow that Batman has seen AMAZO, his old plans have changed. But will his methods continue to be as drastic for dealing as they were when dealing with Zod?
DetailsClosures, opportunities, and new beginnings! The Unity Squad closes another chapter…
DetailsAward-winning artist/writer Ed Piskor continues his remix of the history of the X-Men like you’ve never seen it before!
DetailsA very visually appealing issue with a slight lack of substance, overall pretty good though, what did you think?