Immortal Thor #6: Trial by Fire
Immortal Thor #6
is a compelling reworking of Norse myth brimming with humor, horror, heartbreak, and humanity. #Thor #Marvel #Loki #AlEwing @coccolo_martin #MattWilson and @JoeSabino
DetailsImmortal Thor #6
is a compelling reworking of Norse myth brimming with humor, horror, heartbreak, and humanity. #Thor #Marvel #Loki #AlEwing @coccolo_martin #MattWilson and @JoeSabino
DetailsResurrection of Magneto #1
Al Ewing, @LucianoVecchio and @Dav_Curiel are bringing their A-game. With incredible writing & equally stunning visuals, this comic has a lot of potential to give Max a great return, and perhaps hope for future of mutants. #XMen #MarvelComics #FallofX
DetailsGhost Machine #1
Ghost Machine #1 introduces a lot of new books for readers to get their hands on, but does so in a way that feels less cohesive than it does like an advertisement. #ImageComics
DetailsTitans: Beast World #5
Nightwind vs. Peacemaker, only in Beast World #5 by Tom Taylor (@TomTaylorMade)! #DCComics #Titans #BeastWorld
DetailsGreen Arrow #8
Green Arrow #8 is a visual treat, a strong example of just how effective @philhester’s incredibly stylish art is at conveying tone and emotion as the guest artist joins @Williamson_Josh for one of the series’ best issues to date. #DCComics #GreenArrow
DetailsThe Flash #5
The Flash #5 is not going to be for everyone, deepening an already complex story with more factors; but those who love high concept science fiction will truly appreciate it, by @sispurrier @mikedeodato @trishm @HassanOE & @DCOfficial. #Flash
DetailsDetective Comics #1081
is a moody and atmospheric issue that leans well into the supernatural element of Batman’s history. From the prose to the art, it’s grand. #Batman @therightram @DanPGWatters #DCComics
DetailsMiracleman: The Silver Age #7
Miracleman: The Silver Age #7 is a triumphant end to the long-awaited series as Young Miracleman confronts Miracleman bringing The Silver Age to an end and paving the way for… The Dark Age! @neilhimself #MarkBuckingham #JordieBellaire #ToddKlein @Marvel
DetailsThe Enfield Gang Massacre #6
Enfield Gang Massacre #6 sticks the landing, transcending from fun pulp to seminal meditation on the tragedy of outlaws. It also manages one last artistic kick to the ribs in the best way. @ChristophCondon @ThatJPhillips @PipMartin9 @ImageComics
DetailsFantastic Four #16
follows all the kids back to school where a science project goes disastrously wrong. @ryanqnorth delivers another fun and funny story with great art and visuals from Mortarino, @ReberVision, and @JoeCaramagna. #MarvelComics #FantasticFour
DetailsThe Deviant #3
is a slower issue from @JamesTheFourth @joshixson, and @HassanOE but the maintains the murder/thriller’s borderline horror tension. #ImageComics @readtinyonion @ImageComics
DetailsDaredevil #5
Daredevil #5 (Ahmed, Karami, Aburtov, Cowles @Marvel) is a mixed bag, with a few gems (including a beautiful page) that get buried under the weight of its clashing core ideas. #MarvelComics #Daredevil