Doctor Strange #8: The Pieces Are All Coming Together
Doctor Strange #8
is a huge step in the right direction for this series, by @jedmackay @PasqualFerry @thealexrossart #HeatherMoore @corypetit, & @Marvel. #MarvelComics #DoctorStrange
DetailsDoctor Strange #8
is a huge step in the right direction for this series, by @jedmackay @PasqualFerry @thealexrossart #HeatherMoore @corypetit, & @Marvel. #MarvelComics #DoctorStrange
DetailsG.O.D.S. #1
G.O.D.S. #1 (#JonathanHickman @ValerioSchiti @MarteGracia Travis Lanham @Marvel) might make you a true believer again, thanks to its beating heart of stunning art, spellbinding colors, and story rooted in raw emotion. #MarvelComics
DetailsTransformers #1
The Transformers are back! @danielwarrenart, #MikeSpicer & @ruswooton bring the Cybertronians back to comics in a bombastic way! #Transformers @Skybound @ImageComics
DetailsFire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville #2
may not offer the highest stakes, but the stellar adherence to a strong tone and consistency throughout the issue make it one of the best reads this week., by @JoanneStarer @NatachaBustos @TerryDodsonArt @TBonvillain @CommentAiry, & @DCOfficial
DetailsBirds of Prey #2
is a solid follow up to the stellar first issue. It keeps the charms, excitement, and amazing art while also giving the story a focus rather than overly done action set pieces. @dcofficial @79SemiFinalist #birdsofprey #DCComics
DetailsPeacemaker Tries Hard! #6
is a laugh out loud ending to the DC Black Label mini series. It sticks the landing as a final issue and completes what has been one of the funniest and wildest comic series as of late! @TheKyleStarks @stevepughcom @DCOfficial #peacemaker
DetailsBatman #138
An oath restores the heart of Gotham War with Batman #138 (@zdarsky @JorgeJimenezArt @tomeu_morey #ClaytonCowles @DCOfficial) as the writing, art, and colors will leave readers gasping for air. #Batman #Catwoman
DetailsStatic: Shadows of Dakota #6
Static: Shadows of Dakota is an absolutely amazing series with fantastic writing & amazing art. With its focus on social justice issues, it stands head & shoulders among the best things that @DakotaUniverse has ever produced. @definitelyvita @NikDraperIveyIvey.
DetailsJean Grey #2
Ultimately this is a lively, interesting story, told with vivid art, that should satisfy Jean Grey fans. @LouiseSimonson2 @thebernardchang #MarvelComics #XMen #JeanGrey #FallOfX
DetailsImmortal Thor #2
by @Al_Ewing @coccolo_martin @COLORnMATT and @JoeSabino is another phenomenal chapter in an enchanting tale of epic proportions. #Thor #Loki #MarvelComics
DetailsUltimate Invasion #4
is a mixed bag of flashy concepts with little payoff. You can see that these creators gave their all here, but this may be a prime example of jumping the shark, from @Marvel.
DetailsNewburn #11
Newburn #11 (@zdarsky @ThatJPhillips @PipMartin9 @ImageComics) will send a chill down your spine, as the sublime writing and colors capture the tension of secrets unraveling towards an uncertain future.