Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt #6
All that exists, and all that ever will exist rests on the confrontation between two men who are the same man. Peter Cannon versus Peter Cannon, for the future of the canon. Who wins? Who loses? Peter Cannon. Evidently.
This review has taken me a while to write, not because I have nothing to say but because I didn’t want to accept that this brilliant series had come to an end… and what a beautiful end it was.
Kieron Gillen has shown some true talent with this book, taking what could have easily been just a Watchmen parody and making it so much more. From beginning to end this series has shown a true understanding and respect for the character of Peter Cannon in all his forms. This last issue was absolutely no exception; the story of a man who has problems being human coming face to face with his greatest threat, himself, in more ways than one. This story was intelligently written and an absolute treasure for fans of this classic character as well as being something a new reader could understand and enjoy as well.
Gillen was also backed by an outstanding artistic team for this book. From Caspar Wijngaard who does a great job mimicking and even improving on the art style used for Watchmen while also including other art styles to depict the alternate universes depicted in the book all the way down to the letters from Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, which sometimes change style from panel to panel while still seamlessly flowing with the story. Also, as I’ve mentioned several times in my reviews, Mary Safro’s colors on this series have been absolutely breathtaking, adding a real emotion and depth to this story.
If you are a fan of Thunderbolt, Watchmen, indie superheroes, or just comics in general you should read this book. It has been a wild and entertaining ride from start to finish. My only real complaint is that this series ended so soon as it has so much potential to become a great ongoing series.
Final Thoughts
An outstanding end to a brilliant story that truly honors the history of the character. A must read for all comic fans.
Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt #6 – All Good Things Come to an End
- Writing - 10/1010/10
- Storyline - 10/1010/10
- Art - 10/1010/10
- Color - 10/1010/10
- Cover Art - 10/1010/10