Red Hood Outlaw #29

Red Hood and Batwoman need to cut through an army of cyborg Solomon Grundy knockoffs to stop the Underlife from taking over a small town. Jason charges in as Jason does and Batwoman is forced to help him, after they've taken down the requisite number of bad fellas, they run off on a motorbike. A quickie Wingman sighting, a small nod to the events in Heroes in Crisis and the art are the highlights of this otherwise somewhat toothless issue.
I didn’t hate this issue, but it felt more like a Halloween one shot than a piece of a main story with all the pitchforks and monsters, especially with the neat little bow resolution at the end, which involved Marvel 2 in 1 (the classic series) levels of convenient plot to finish as needed. I did appreciate Batwoman mentioning Roy and reaching out to Jason, as much as I’m not enjoying Heroes in Crisis I’m glad some books are bothering to acknowledge it. I’m really enjoying the change in status quo this book has undergone the last few issues, I hope this is the new normal.
The art in this issue by Pete Woods is generally pretty great in action scenes, especially the cyborg “mondays” which are second rate Solomon Grundy wannabes. As I said above this issue had a very Halloween feel to it partially achieved by the evil feel to the monstrous bad guys and rural setting, a big change from last issue’s Stepfordesque Appleton.
Not unlike the original N52 series as much as this series stands fine on it’s own I do really like the way Lobdell organically brings cameos in, from Batwoman to Bruce a couple issues back, I was really excited, although not surprised, to see Renee Montoya hanging out with Batwoman. Likewise the inclusion in this arc of Wingman of all people, to my knowledge last seen murdered and impersonated by his murderer in Grant Morrison’s Batman: The Black Glove back in appr. 2007 or so, for some reason completely delights me.
Final Thoughts
A neat little standalone issue that exists to team Red Hood with Batwoman and practically nothing else, I didn't hate it but unless you're invested in either character maybe skip this one.
Red Hood Outlaw #29: Halloween Hijinx!
- Writing - 6/106/10
- Storyline - 6/106/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 8/108/10
- Cover Art - 7/107/10