Red Hood Outlaw #35

Red Hood continues his trip down memory lane, saying goodbye to Isabel and hello to another blast from the past. Essence!
Despite being extremely recap and exposition heavy this issue managed to flow really well and be pretty exciting. I do dislike the macguffin nature of the end of the fight it’s kind of nonsense to throw out a Hail Mary like that in like two pages. Likewise I’m so frustrated that we’re still tiptoeing around Wingman’s identity if Lobdell pulls a Tomasi and yanks the rug out I will not be happy.
The art by Pete Woods and Rex Locus continues to be pretty good particularly the coloring in the Essence fight, I still like it fine though. I like Jason’s look and the actual action sequences look really good.
Final Thoughts
A decent issue in possibly my favorite arc in some time for Red Hood
Red Hood Outlaw #35: Essence of Victory
- Writing - 7/107/10
- Storyline - 8/108/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 8/108/10
- Cover Art - 7/107/10