Damian has returned to Gorilla City to confront his grandfather, Ra’s Al Ghul, about AMAZO. Will there be a compromise or will they be forced to battle it out?
Injustice 2 #41
Writer: Tom Taylor
Artist: Daniel Sampere
Cover Artist: Tyler Kirkman
Cover Colors: Arif Prianto
Colorist: Rex Lokus
Letters: Wes Abbot
Publisher: DC Comics
What You Need to Know:
Ra’s Al Ghul has formed a deadly alliance with Gorilla City. Together, with the aid of Professor Ivo created AMAZO. In his test run, AMAZO razed a mid-western town, Williams, in a single night. While visiting Khandaq, Robin (Damian Wayne) discovers this and would have words with his grandfather…
What You’ll Find Out:
This chapter wastes no time and opens with Damian in Gorilla City. He’s greeted by Animal Man & Vixen and before going to announce his return asks if they know about the town AMAZO razed. The scene shifts for a brief humorous exchange with the Suicide Squad where Orca tells Killer Croc she’s pregnant. Everyone is surprised and Deadshot’s constant prying gets his head smashed into a wall by the Croc.
Back at the plot, neither Animal Man nor Vixen is aware of what Ra’s did to Williams. In a twist of fate, Damian is the one who brings up they only followed Ra’s for the greater good. That there are better ways to save the world than the blood-soaked path Ra’s plans to set them on. The moment Damian returns without Black Adam, Ra’s infers that Black Adam refused to join them and they’ll be dealt with. This sparks Damian to confront him about Williams but Grodd has reached his limits with humans. He questions Solovars judgment once more and a poor choice in wording earns Animal Man a backhand. Solovar similarly is tired of dealing with Grodd and orders his troops to arrest him. Unfortunately, Grodd’s soldiers remain loyal to him. Ra’s can see the coup brewing and orders Athanasia to call their allies.
After throwing a spear into Solovars shoulder, his soldiers attempt to arrest their former king. Solovar orders them to stop breathing, killing them, and telling Grodd to challenge him face-to-face.
What Just Happened?
The friction between Solovar & Grodd has finally reached a tipping point. Now there’s going to be a Revolution and at the same time Ra’s faction may end up being splinted by his decision to use AMAZO. We know Grodd will come out of this alive, but what about Ra’s and his allies?
Rating: 7.5/10
Final Thought: I really like that the comics continue to make it clear that Damian isn’t a total monster. Something the games have almost gone out of their way to bludgeon into the audience mind. Overall the chapter felt fine. It gave Damian more development and is heading to the end of the Grodd/Solovar spat. My main gripe was the random Suicide Squad scene. I know the Injustice comics have a habit of making simple things come back later as important but unless this has an impact on the upcoming event, it felt out of place. It made a disconnect between the first scene and the third like a forced joke in an action film. It could turn out to be relevant later but in the moment of reading, it felt off. Also, where’s Dark Batman?
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