Savage Avengers #8

Conan hates wizards, but this holiday he has to deal with both Dr. Strange & Dr. Doom. Ho-ho-holy $@#%!
Can these three set aside their differences to deal with Kulan Gath, the name on the top of their naughty list?
Is Savage Avengers #8 the best comic you will read all year? Most likely not. But it is one of the most fun comics of the series, and if you’ve been following since the first issue, you know what kind of bar has been set. The eighth issue in this surprisingly awesome series proves to be an enjoyable read if not only from its magnificent characterizations which bring a unique sense of humor to every page.
Writer Gerry Duggan has managed to capture a vision of this series that makes it feel like an instant classic. Each new issue, regardless of the artist, has been as good or even better than the one before. Savage Avengers #8 is yet another issue that captures all the elements of what keeps pulling me back into the series with its humor and graphic violence. This approach with Conan being thrust into various situations with the Marvel Universe’s most dangerous characters could go on forever and I simply wouldn’t tire of it.
While there are laughs to be had and a few action-packed moments to keep you entertained, there is an overarching story happening that helps keep the narrative focused. Kulan Gath seems to be really giving everyone a difficult time, and though the journey of Conan has been long and perilous, the ending of this issue shows that the fight is far from over.
The visuals, spearheaded now by Patch Zircher, are consistent and hit all the right beats effectively for the story to work. But it’s hard not to miss the brilliant art that Mike Deodato Jr. brought in the first arc that helped to define the series. Zircher delivers a great spectacle in this issue though, from the whimsical trip through reality to Conan slaughtering random guards, it’s still very much worth your money.
If you dig too deep into the motivations of these characters and how they got into the circumstance they are in, especially with Doctor Strange in this issue, you can easily miss the point of what this series hopes to accomplish. And that is a badass time with the darker side of Marvel. This comic knows how to have fun and it isn’t willing waver from that, which I believe helps it tremendously.
Ultimately, those that have enjoyed the series so far will find plenty to love in Savage Avengers #8. It might not be converting any newcomers outside of those wanting more DOOM in their life, but it’s still a really fun time. Go check it out.
Final Thoughts
Savage Avengers #8 is one of the most fun comics of the series, and if you've been following since the first issue, you know what kind of bar has been set. Go check this one out!
Savage Avengers #8: See? Goat’s Fine. No Curse!
- Writing - 9.5/109.5/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 9/109/10