Savage Sword of Conan #10
Roy Thomas returns to Conan the Barbarian for a short Savage Sword of Conan arc featuring our titular Cimmerian being hired as an escort on a treasure hunt. Will Conan strike it rich? Or will the mountains prove too treacherous for everyone's favorite barbarian?
An interesting start to a fresh arc from the most prolific Conan writer of all time begins with exactly the kind of promise one would expect from Thomas. But in so doing is the ground we’re treading too familiar? This entire issue feels like old hat from a creator who has done it all and I’m not 100% sure if it’s a good or bad thing. I’m willing to give Thomas the benefit of a doubt and I’m sure I’ll enjoy the story… Just an observation.
The story itself feels very by-the-books, which may be a blessing as readers have attacked this series over inaccuracies such as the famed pistol in the second issue. To clarify I like what we got this issue I just hope it goes somewhere interesting and doesn’t languish setting up details which is part of the trouble with showing such familiar material, it makes me want to rush through it and get to the exciting stuff, which isn’t here due to the shorter format of current era Savage Sword. Thomas is capable of delivering so I’ll postpone judgement for now.
The art by Alan Davis is good to a point but lacks a finer detail at times that sets it apart. The linework is extremely proficient and I like the range of expression he employs so don’t take anything I say as negative when I say I like the simplicity. I really liked the fight scene at the beginning and hope we get some monsters soon!
Regarding the cover, I LOVE when a cover features a bunch of characters who you become familiar with by the end, best example being Savage Sword of Conan #123 where there are maybe twenty-five monsters on the cover and by the end every single one has showed up throughout the issue. Full marks to this cover not only for the excellent art but this feature, too often the opposite is true in this era of “character on cover does not appear in issue” variant covers and main covers even.
Final Thoughts
A promising issue that feels a bit overly familiar I'm holding out hope we get some of that Thomas panache by the end!
Savage Sword of Conan #10: Savage Return!
- Writing - 6/106/10
- Storyline - 8/108/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 8/108/10
- Cover Art - 10/1010/10