SiKtC #7

After learning from Bian how many offspring the Monster had, Erica seeks out to slay the young-ling beasts but here mission is short lived as Aaron arrives in Archers Peak from the Slaughterhouse to relieve Erica of her duties.
We open with a sense of panic and distraught as the parents of the missing children flood the outside of the school gym which the police are using as a morgue.
Tynion is at his best here in the dialogue between the principle and sheriff as he helps the writer feel how lost and overcome they are going into detail on how the sheriff had to try match a jawbone to a child to help the parents identify the body – horrific but flawless writing for a horror book.
We then go back to Erica who is attempting to slay the children this mysterious beast produce but fails as they seem to vanish. Aaron then shows up and our new character firstly comes across as a previous mentor of Erica or maybe just possibly been in whatever this mysterious Slaughterhouse cult is longer than Erica, either way we quickly see that Erica is not happy hes here. Aaron comes across condescending towards Erica, he seems to be all about the politics and getting the job done (evidently shown when he instructs they must use Bian or James as bait for the monsters) whereas Erica is more emotionally attached now.
After a bit of back and fourth Erica agrees hes right and we see them leaving together before another new introduction is made in the form of man named Tom who looks like a detective. He overheard Erica and Aaron’s conversation and plans to get to Bian before they do.
Tynion is deepening the plot and also giving us a bit more information on these ‘baby’ monsters as we learn about an Oscuratypes which is a name given to shadow forms, concentrated fear that are only solid when they eat. Aaron also called himself and Erica, Hunters not heroes or villains.
Final Thoughts
This is another stellar installment from the team again. The art is consistent and shines the most when it comes to action in my opinion. Tynion continues to keep me theorizing on the beasts and the Slaughterhouse and on top of that now I'm looking forward to seeing how Erica and Aaron's story play out in the next issue!
SiKtC #7- Enter Aaron.
- Writing - 9.5/109.5/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 8/108/10
- Cover Art - 8.5/108.5/10