SiKtC #8
Archer's Peak is now quarantined by Erica's employers and as the towns people try and deal with the current tragedy befallen them the intervening Aaron and Erica try and put their plan in motion.
This installment is what I would describe as a momentum maintaining issue by that I mean that the acts have been put into motion in the previous issue and we now see them play out. Tynion manages this in perfect stride as it gives the reader a fast read while setting up that projected important mid-arc installment.
So the issue goes by fast with a few key points I’ll cover my thoughts on. We see a recovering James talking to the sheriff and with this scene they confide in each other as the sheriff finally learns major details with learning more about the mysterious monsters and also about Tommy. The sheriffs role in all of this is growing and getting more intriguing each time.
We then see Erica and Aaron attempt to put their plan in motion by taking Bian as bait only for it to be spoiled by the mysterious detective who gets an assist from Erica who tackles Aaron in a moment of instinct before he can attack the detective, allowing this new player to take Bian. From this we get a little more insight into Aaron’s characteristics whilst seeing that more Human side of Erica with her connection to Bian against her better judgement. This now leave them needing a new plan which will surely tie in to the end of this issue…
Now we get our closing segment and big cliffhanger moment with Tommy after having some harsh back and fourth with his distraught mother is seen on the phone talking about leaving the town before he gets a glimpse from a distance of the monster. He investigates only to come across another victim and to then be surrounded by what seems to be multiples of these bizarre monsters.
Final Thoughts
A great issue steering on momentum furthering the plot whilst brewing more intrigue and hype for the next installment of this addicting series!
SiKtC #8- It’s Dangerous to go alone!… Tommy.
- Writing - 9.5/109.5/10
- Storyline - 9.5/109.5/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 8/108/10