Six Million DolTPB
Steve Austin. Astronaut. A man barely alive after a horrible accident. Rebuilt as the world's first bionic man. Better than he was before. Better. Stronger. Faster.
I’m already a huge Six Million Dollar Man fan, so I was probably gonna like this anyway, but I was honestly really surprised at just how awesome it was! Author Christopher Hastings has written some really entertaining comics in the past, but he really outdoes himself this time. This book has the best pacing I think I’ve ever experienced in a comic. All the beats are in the perfect places, the chapter breaks are natural and don’t feel rushed or drawn out at all. There’s a solid plot with well thought out reasons for things happening. Hasting’s story has a perfect balance of espionage and science fiction and an abundant sense of humor that makes it such a fun read, it’s almost criminal. Honestly, this is like reading an episode of the television show that you never saw. All the regulars make an appearance here, and it totally falls in line with the first season of the show, which is when this book takes place. Hastings knows his stuff because this is the only era that this story could’ve taken place in. Again, I have to give Hastings credit for the use of humor in this book. He knows how to deliver awesomely glib lines better than I’ve read in a long time.
Now’s the time I get to gush over David Hahn’s art. Man, this guy is awesome!!! His style is a little closer to an animated style, which is honestly a breath of fresh air. He nails the likenesses of the actors perfectly, and his original characters fit right into the TV universe. He’s not afraid to play around with page layouts and it pays off big time, as you get some beautiful art that’s more prominent on the page than other panels. It draws the eye to it, yet doesn’t distract from anything else at all. Even though his style is more animated than most comic art, he definitely knows how to bring a sense of gravity to his work.
This is honestly one of the most enjoyable books I’ve read in a long time.
Final Thoughts
Once you start this, you're not gonna be able to put it down. Yeah, that's a lame line, but it's absolutely true. A compelling story that offers legitimate surprises and moments of laugh out loud humor with some fantastic art. You don't need to be a fan of the TV series to enjoy this, but if you are, it's gonna be that much sweeter.
Six Million Dollar Man In Japan TPB: Big in Japan
- Writing - 10/1010/10
- Storyline - 10/1010/10
- Art - 10/1010/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 9/109/10