Something Is Killing The Children #18
What secrets lie at the heart of the House of Slaughter? Erica, and her rival Aaron, will soon learn as they are pulled deeper and deeper into the Order of St. George… but the truth may destroy them.
Tynion continues to embark the reader on a flashback showing Erica towards the beginning of her journey, before slaughtering monsters in the path that took away her innocence. Tynion establishes more detail as well as more intrigue for the House of Slaughter. The order of St. George is still a small organization and we don’t have all the answers too, although this issue clarifies the initiation process and more about Octo.
I really like the pacing Tynion uses to tell the story for this issue. We get a very different perspective from Erica here. We feel the fears of the unexpected she experiences. She’s vulnerable and completely unaware of what is bound to happen to her. I can’t imagine going from witnessing her parents get torn apart by monsters the day prior to having these strange adults induct you into a surreal society.
The art for this series continues to be my favorite. I absolutely adore the work this artistic pair brings to every issue. I enjoy the panel shots during the induction. It absolutely gives the reader a sense of feeling as if they’re watching the suspenseful build up in a horror movie. Dell’Edera’s art flourishes during this induction scene especially with Erica’s expressions.
As for the coloring, I really appreciate the shifts in colors based on the scene. When transitioning inside the barn, we get an endless dark vibe. This change nearly makes the reader forget Erica walked inside of a barn, and for the audience to take in the suspense of the moment. Muerto continues to do an exceptional job using colors to elevate the already phenomenal art from Dell’Edera.
Final Thoughts
This creative team continues to give fans a delicious and thought provoking story issue by issue. From the powerful storytelling to the strong collaboration of art and color this book is phenomenal. Run up to your nearest LCS and snatch up an issue!
Something Is Killing The Children #18 Me and My Monster
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 8/108/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 8/108/10