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Soule Soars To New Heights With Darth Vader #23


Darth Vader #23

Artist(s): Giuseppe Camuncoli

Colorist(s): David Curiel and Dono Sanchez-Almara

Letterer: VC's Joe Caramagna

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Genre: Sci-Fi

Published Date: 11/14/2018


As the series is ending, Darth Vader, is on his final mission: To bring back, Padme. It all started when Emperor Palpatine gave him a gift. It was his beloved's ship. The same exact one we saw in the prequels. Palpatine, a.k.a Darth Sidious, has also let Vader build his own castle. And he decided Mustarfar.

The same place where he had his iconic duel with Obi-Wan in Revenge of the Sith; the birthplace of Darth Vader. While there, he came across a strange helmet -- we later found out that it was Lord Momin. One of the most dangerous players in the galaxy. He was extremely powerful in the Force, but now, just a lost soul, doing his master's bidding. But also, someone who has just promised, Lord Vader, that he can bring back, Padme. The Saga continues.


Lord Momin constructed a temple to bring back Padme. He calls it his “Masterpiece.” And so, Vader tries to open a door straight into the Force. He nearly succeeds, almost destroying Mustarfar in the process. But at the last minute something fails him. This is the fifth time Momin’s failed, Darth Vader.

And all of a sudden, a giant monster leaps out of the lava attacking Stormtroopers. The indigenous people there are not happy with the experiments being done to their home world. They’re easily dispatched. And we slowly see Vader’s castle being built by promise-after-promise. Vader tells him “There will not be tenth.” And so, with Momin praying it works — Vader opens the door to the Force.

He is interrupted by the fleas on Mustafar. Something he’s been wanting, the only thing he’s been wanting, obsessing, is finally in his grasp. And so, Vader looks outside to see an army. And all of a sudden an explosion comes from within inside. Momin’s went in the door and has come out as his masterpiece! He’s wielding two Lightsabers as Darth Vader falls to his death. The issue ends.

Charles Soule is currently writing a masterpiece. Darth Vader’s obsession is only rivaled by that of Lord Momin’s own desire to create his masterpiece. But with this issue, we finally find out, that you can bring someone back from the dead. This is huge news for Star Wars: Episode IX!

Also, extremely tragic as we know that Darth Vader never succeeds bringing back his lost love. Vader was so desperate, that he bungled his only chance at ever seeing her again by letting Momin get the best of him. The next issue will be one of the most epic battles ever as Vader unleashes on Momin. Soule has created one of the most interesting characters no one’s talking about in, Lord Momin. Sadly, there are only two-issues left of the series.


Final Thoughts

Charles Soule has delivered once again. Everyone working on this book is stepping up their game, and creating an instant classic. Easily, one of the best titles at Marvel along with Spectacular Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Venom and Amazing Spider-Man. Darth Vader 23 once again defies expectations and goes for the unexpected. If you're not reading this book, then you really must ask yourself "Are you a true comic book fan?"

Soule Soars To New Heights With Darth Vader #23
  • Writing - 10/10
  • Storyline - 10/10
  • Art - 10/10
  • Color - 10/10
  • Cover Art - 10/10
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