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Star Wars #20: The Nexus of All Eras


Star Wars #20: Dangerous Lessons

Artist(s): Marco Castiello

Colorist(s): Rachelle Rosenberg

Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles

Publisher: Marvel

Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Space

Published Date: 01/12/2022


Luke Skywalker is all but alone as one of very few remaining Jedi. He is desperate to find out more about the almost extinct order. He has recovered a holocron of his master Yoda, and hopes that the secrets within will lead him to more answers.


This issue is about as heavy as it gets, and that is in no way a derogatory statement. What starts out as a simple mission to discover hidden Jedi secrets quickly turns into a focal point in which every era of the New Canon converges. Simply put, Luke discovers a vergence in the force that connects him not only to his own future, but the Jedi’s glorious past as well. This chapter directly touches the eras of The High Republic as well as The Resistance era in a very real and tangible way. These mark the beginning and end of the current Star Wars continuity respectively. Luke is directed to a planet where he is engulfed by it immediately. While inside, he has a vision of the past that no one could have predicted. He is met with the spirit of one of the many Jedi of the High Republic, and is giving a brief look into the period of time when the Jedi were at their brightest. By doing so he also travels to Ahch-To, the first Jedi temple and the place where he eventually will spend the rest of his life.

There have been a healthy handful of High Republic references throughout the various Star Wars series that take place during the original trilogy. Doctor Aphra has come across a few artifacts from that time for instance, including Nihil tech. These reference started well before “The High Republic” even began in anticipation of its release. Now that the multi-platform series has reached its first anniversary, it would seem a more direct approach is warranted. This issue commemorates that anniversary by tying it to Luke’s journey, making this just as much a High Republic story as it does an Rebellion tale. This changes the overall narrative of the entire sage in a very satisfying and unifying way. Luke no longer has a limited idea of who the Jedi were and what they stood for. Before he only had Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Vader to show him what Jedi and The Force should and could be. This knowledge, and presumably knowledge he will gain in the next few issues, will help shape Luke into the knight he will ultimately become in Return of the Jediand beyond. Luke is also shown how all Jedi can still exist in spirit within each Jedi, which ultimately plays out in The Rise of Skywalker when Rey is able to call upon them for help against Palpatine. At the end of this issue Luke finds and ancient book, which very much could be one of the same sacred texts he is shown with in that same film.

This issue hits on all levels. The art is exquisite, showing a huge amount of detail. This is important in making sure readers can recognize all the details and references. The entire issue is one of the most colorful ever produced. At time it seems each panel has its own palate. The two elements together create a richness that rises above not only Star wars comics, but all comic books in general. The effect on the storyline touches so much in such a short time. There is even a reference to an Old Republic character that lies well outside the New Canon timeline. This issues changes how fans can look at Luke’s journey to become a knight who could actually defeat Vader and his Master to save the galaxy. The writing is sublime, considering Charles Soule wrote the first High Republic novel, “The Light of the Jedi.”  It ties in so neatly into his own established narrative and that of the team that created The High Republic. Overall, this might just be the best issue of this entire series.

Final Thoughts

Luke has a stronger idea of what it means to be a Jedi than ever before. Armed with a new direction and knowledge, it is clear that he is well on his path to become the hero he was destined to be. There is only one more thing he must do. He must confront Vader.

Star Wars #20: The Nexus of All Eras
  • Writing - 10/10
  • Storyline - 10/10
  • Art - 10/10
  • Color - 10/10
  • Cover Art - 10/10
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