Star Wars #48

Luke Skywalker and the ragtag band of rebels continue their fight against the Galactic Empire as the fallout from the latest Star Wars crossover Dark Droids event and the trial of Lando Calrissian is over, Now, what if anything, will the Rebels, under the leadership of Princess Leia, do: stop the threat of a second Death Star or risk it all for Han Solo...or both? or neither?
With the Trial of Lando Calrissian behind them the Rebels look forward to the challenges and choices ahead: do they risk saving Han Solo from the clutches of Jabba The Hutt or is the new intel that a second Death Star is being constructed at this very moment.
The decision on the next steps in the war against the Empire continue to weigh heavy on Princess Leia who is torn between here feelings for Han Solo and the fate of the Rebellion which continues to hang by a thread. These pressures are affecting Leia in the form of nightmares where she is both on her home planet of Alderaan in its final moments and on the Death Star being forced to pull the trigger on the planet’s destruction.
While confiding in Luke about the dreams and pressures of leadership, the two receive word from one of the X-Wing pilots that communications the last remnants of Alderaan, hiding in deep space, have been lost. Luke tells Leia that investigating this would be a constructive way to deal with the nightmares and help her deal with at least one of the conflicts she is experiencing.
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While investigating they discover the ship they find is a trap set by the former Commander Zahra, Tarkin’s protege who Leia bested during the Crimson Reign arc. Soule gives Leia some powerful moments that show that even a strong character like her, can, in the face of mounting adversity, doubt themselves under the strain of leadership. It is moments like these that would have played well on screen in the original film but work also on the comic page.
The art and color work continue to perfectly compliment and add to the story, rather than detract from it.
Final Thoughts
As this volume of Star Wars prepares to wrap this September in issue #50, it seems that Soule not only has more story to tell before the events of Return Of The Jedi, but very little space to do it. The return of Commander Zahra and the search for the remnants of the Alderaan forces could be a full arc. It will be interesting to see if we get an in-story origin for Luke's green lightsaber, as he is still using the yellow one he found after losing his original one in Empire Strikes Back.
However, having said all this, if there is one writer who can wrap this series up and give readers an ending that is deserved then Charles Soule is that writer as The Force is strong with him.
Star Wars #48:The Burden Of Leadership
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 10/1010/10