Star Wars: Inquisitors #2
Buried in the annals of Jedi lore is the story of TENSU RUN, the Jedi who faced the Inquisitors and DARTH VADER!
As the Grand Inquisitor fails to kill Tensu, but murdering his Master to draw him out, Tensu confronts the Fifth Brother.
Comic Watch Review: Star Wars: Inquisitors #1 – Jedi Hunt
The story of Tensu Run, and why did the Empire so greatly fear his existence?
The second installment of the four-issue Star Wars: Inquisitors finds the Fifth Brother tapped to hunt down Tensu Run after the failure of The Grand Inquisitor to do so last issue. The issue is not the first time the Fifth Brother has made an appearance in the Star Wars universe having shown up in Star Wars: Rebels, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the novel Jedi: Battle Scars among others.
As he hunts the rogue Jedi, Barnes gives readers some insight into who the Fifth Brother is and why he became an Inquistor when offered the choice to do so. It would have been nice to see more of his backstory aside from a memory of his days training at the Jedi Temple.
Expanding The Storytelling Potential Of The Star Wars Universe (Part 2) – The Dark Side
In this issue, Tensu Run internationally baits and allows the Inquistor to find and co front him, using some not so Jedi methods to achieve this goal. Tensu is definitely flirting with giving into the Dark Side, justifying his methods which he hopes will lead to the downfall of the Empire.
While it may be a stretch, it seems that when Tensu finally confronts Vader, an offer to join the Inquistors may be in his future.
The art of the Fifth Brother is consistent throughout the book and the colors enhancing both the story and bring the world’s to life. The lightsaber battle between Tensu and the Inquistor flows nicely artistically but would have been nice for it to have been a larger part of the story and extended so readers could get a feel for the type of fighter the combatants are.
Final Thoughts
Star Wars: Inquisitors #2, overall is a solid issue, despite some pacing that is due to it being a 4-issue run. Barnes does an excellent job of introducing the Fifth Brother to the reader while moving the overall story along. With only two issues left it will be interesting to see how those issues end up and if readers will get a fulfilling story as a whole.
Star Wars: Inquisitors #2
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 10/1010/10
- Cover Art - 10/1010/10