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Star Wars: Mace Windu: The Force Is Kinda Strong With This One


Star Wars: Mace Windu 1 - 4

Artist(s): Georges Jeanty, Dexter Vines

Colorist(s): Andrew Dalhouse

Letterer: Joe Caramagna

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Genre: Action, Space

Published Date: 05/15/2024


Even in the years before The Clone Wars, Mace Windu was known for his discipline, determination and combat skills. When a scientist's discovery threatens the balance of the galaxy, Mace is led down a treacherous path of mystery and action.

Now, one of the greatest Jedi must stop an incendiary secret from falling in the wrong hands


The Star Wars: Mace Windu series takes place before the Clone Wars and prior to being seated on the Jedi Council.

The series picks up after the events of Star Wars: Revelations, the one-shot that served as the setup for the Star Wars Universe in 2024.  In the setup Mace is on a mission to arrest the corrupt warden of the Devshi Prison Complex, a prison located underwater. Issue #1 picks up with Mace having to swim to the surface and track the droids who escaped with the Skeleton Master Key.

Upon successfully fulfilling his mission and returning to the Jedi Temple, Windu is tasked by Yoda to go and recover the Ultra Coaxium, a suped-up version of starship fuel from a smuggler who stole it and trying to sell it to the highest bidder on the black market. After arriving on the refinery moon of Ro Mira and locating the smuggler, who happens to also be from the same homeworld as Windu, the two find themselves on the run from other interests such as Jabba The Hutt and “The Shroud” who also want the fuel and the formula to make more, changing the balanced of power throughout the galaxy.

In issue #4 Mace has a showdown with The Shroud, who it is alluded to was once a Jedi apprentice, but left the Order. The Shroud’s goal is to eliminate technology and advancements, such as the fuel, and reshape the galaxy in his own image.

The story is heavy with the usual Jedi tropes as Mace is questioned by smuggler Azita Cruuz but it comes as no surprise since Mace Windu is known for being straight-laced when it comes to following the Jedi teachings.

It would have been nice if some new or shocking truth about his past was explored, instead Bernardin opts to play it safe and expound on the established character profile.

The art is okay although Mace Windu’s appearance at times seems off as he looks very young or middle age  which can be distracting and take the reader of the moment.

The way Mace’s Shatterpoint Force power is portrayed works well in the few instances that it is used but is something that should have been used more in the overall storytelling.


Final Thoughts

The four issue limited series starring Mace Windu is, overall a fun read for any Star Wars fan. At the same, it does little to add anything to mystery that is the character of Mace Windu, who has a storytelling potential whose surface has only been scratched.

While the final panels hint that there is more of the story to be told, the series as it stands could have benefited from a deeper backstory, as Mace and  smuggler Azita Cruuz are from the same planet and/or tieing Mace's mission to the underwater prison into the overall story.

Hopefully if and when the story continues than a deeper dive into the character of Mace Windu will be presented.

Star Wars: Mace Windu:
  • Writing - 6.7/10
  • Storyline - 6/10
  • Art - 7/10
  • Color - 9/10
  • Cover Art - 10/10
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