Strikeforce #2

This second issue of Strikeforce is well-paced and entertaining from the first page with a distressing cliffhanger that leaves your heart in your throat! Tini Howard’s dexterous storytelling delivers some suave moments, but keeps the action rather subdued in order for character building. The dialogue is fun and keeps the reader engaged from panel to panel, page to page; like we are living within the story.
The plot of Strikeforce #2: Daimon Hellstorm was killed by Blade, but there is no “accident” in the matter. You have to read this issue to know what I mean. Now, the team has been called by Satana to Las Vegas because her brother, Daimon, is acting strangely. What the HELL? We all have heard the statement; “What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas”… isn’t that right, Billy?!
Perhaps it’s the place that heightens the character’s personalities, or maybe some just needs some time away from their everyday life and let their hair down. Jessica is the entertainer tonight with such heartfelt wisecracks. Mommy needs a night out and Jessica’s personality shines in this issue. Jessica Drew, “All right! Dress for the job you want!” I immediately think of Pink’s song, “Let’s get this party started” LOL. We also get some really good moments for each of the other characters. Blade, well he’s our favorite smartass that makes not mistakes. Monica is the thoughtful soul with a professional supportive and proactive style. Bucky shows what kind of an ass-wipe he can be and Wiccan puts the Winter Soldier in his place. The eye catcher of this issue goes to….Angela! The Asgardian powerhouse Princess softened by a demon?
Now, Strikeforce #2 is not all wishywashy mushiness, we do get into some craziness with doppelgangers and magic trying to figure out who’s who. Blade takes the lead and places orders for his team. Wiccan concentrates on the mystical elements, while the others look for captives and draw out the Vridai. The artwork by German Peralta and colors by Jordie Bellaire are brilliant in these pages with such details and cool colors that bring out the light in Spectrum’s powers. I would like to see more horrific action with greater mystical psychodynamics by Howard, Peralta and Bellaire, but they still pack a punch at the end of this issue that leaves Wiccan & Hulkling fans’ jaws dropped to the floor! You may have to read this issue to understand why the last page is such a huge cliffhanger.
Final Thoughts
Strikeforce #2 is fun & exciting for all with an open mind!
Strikeforce #2: Las Vegas, Baby!
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 8.5/108.5/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 8/108/10
- Cover Art - 8.5/108.5/10