Superior Spider-man #2

Otto Octavius finds himself subject to the finest Spidey of traditions, a one sided beat down and the hands of a far superior foe. Only this Spider-man isn't like his New York counterpart, he is Superior! (ha!)
I really like this issue, even though it’s a full issue fight, which I usually hate. I highly enjoy that Otto has shown himself to be a more brutal, tactical and intelligent opponent than Peter. I love the way he tries multiple approaches to overcoming Terrax the Tamer, who has beaten much stronger heroes than Otto. I also loved the callback of the device Doctor Doom once used to steal the Silver Surfer’s power (Think it was around Fantastic Four issue #60? I have the issue somewhere) way back in the sixties.
I loved the man standing up to Terrax at the beginning to defend his husband, truly badass.
I thought the art was pretty good, but the inks feel really heavy at times and it detracts from facial expressions most of all. It’s a small complaint otherwise I thought the action scenes were phenomenal with excellent dynamic motion conveyed in a lot of panels.
Final Thoughts
This series is way better than it should be, if you like Spidey give this a shot you'll probably like it too.
Superior Spider-Man #2: Otto Takes a Beating
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 7/107/10
- Color - 8/108/10
- Cover Art - 9/109/10