Superman #18

ABSOLUTE POWER TIE-IN! Waller has the powerless heroes of the DC Universe on the ropes! Can the powerless Superman and Zatanna find the mystical map to the Dark Roads in time to get some major back-up?! Lex Luthor, Lois Lane, Mercy, Jimmy, and Silver Banshee are on the run from the superpowered Amazos but find themselves pulled into a battle for the soul of Metropolis! Don't miss the shocking cliffhanger that impacts the future of the Superman titles!
The Absolute Power summer event continues with Superman #18, written by Joshua Williamson with art and colors by Jamal Campbell. After a deal with the devil, Superman and Zatanna have found the mystical Map of Mordu to the Dark Roads. However, like all magic, using the map comes at a cost. The powerless man of steel and magical mistress find themselves face to face with a multiversal variant they aren’t ready to fight. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor, Lois Lane, Mercy, Jimmy, and Silver Banshee set out to the Fortress of Solitude to try and save any powerless heroes they can find. Is magic enough to save the powerless heroes? Or will Superman’s fear of magic be his downfall?
This is another fantastic issue featuring two of my favorite characters. Joshua Williamson proves he can write a compelling Superman with characters that match his character and aura. Bringing Superman into the magic world for this DC event is a fantastic idea. Superman has already lost his powers and placing him in the magic world makes him even more vulnerable. What results is a raw version of Kal-El that is set on doing anything to win. Pairing him with someone like Zatanna, who has a complicated relationship with magic, is also great. We see how different their relationship to magic is and it creates a great dynamic. I hope to see more Superman and Zatanna team-ups in the future. The secondary team of Lex Luthor, Lois Lane, Mercy, Jimmy, and Silver Banshee have been featured a little less in this story arc, but it is exciting to see how the new brain-wiped Lex is dealing with learning of the evil things he has done. I’m excited to see the whole Superman team reunited and fighting together in the Absolute Power event. Williamson is writing a tie-in that I am enjoying just as much as the main event.
The art in this issue is also incredible, with artist Jamal Campbell returning to Superman. Campbell perfectly captures the essence of Superman with vibrant colors and dynamic panels. One of my favorite things is Superman’s suit throughout this arc. I think we can all agree that Superman’s recovery suit is badass, and it really works for this magically dark story. The design of the new villain Konfusion is also awesome and menacing. It fits perfectly into this horror story and builds on a fan-favorite character. The art in this issue is a little more cartoon-like than I personally enjoy, but I think it works to bring some levity to the melancholic event. Despite the cartoony look, Campbell’s art still packs a punch as the action in this issue is nothing short of awesome. Campbell manages to make Superman look strong, even without his power. Campbell also manages to make panels that are laid out in an exciting and eye-catching way. This issue is outstanding, and I eagerly await to see what this team does in future issues.
Final Thoughts
With stunning artwork, strong characterization, and a compelling narrative, Superman #18 is a must-read for those following the Absolute Power summer event. Superman takes a chance on magic and faces his fears to save his friends and the ones he loves.
Superman #18: I Hate Magic
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 8/108/10
- Cover Art - 8.5/108.5/10