Superman #6

In a fight, many thoughts come in and out of your head. Superman thinks about Lois; The concerns she had during the start of their relationship and his powers. Rogol Zaar now has two Kryptonians to fight; Zod and Superman.
As each hit is like an world-shattering explosion, Superman thinks about the man he desperately tries to live up too. He wonders why a hate-monger like Zaar ended his people, starting the chain of events that lead them to the road that they are on now.
As another punch is given and taken; Superman continues to wonder about the path that brought Zod her. How is Zod here? What does he know? Is he part of what happened? With each hit he lands, Superman takes more; he thinks and pulls himself up to continue the fight. At times, Superman wants vengeance-- For Kandor!
Superman is suddenly pulled out of the Phantom Zone by Adam Strange. Superman is home, Earth, more specifically at S.T.A.R. Labs! Superman congratulates them on bringing home, the work they have done was outstanding, but they need put him back. Superman tells them why he needs to return. Martian the Manhunter ask if Superman is back because he is needed at the San Andreas Fault due to the Aftershocks from the Phantom Zone Event. Strange was very blunt with Superman, The bad guys are away, Earth needs Superman.
Superman agrees with Adam, takes off to do what Superman does; save the world he grew up in and made him the person he is today. As Superman saves the world and the people in it you can see in his face he isn't home, he feels the need to go back. As he flies home, Jon appears out of nowhere, appearing much older than a few months ago.
This is such a good book. It really reminded me of why Superman is great. He wants to go back to a fight that he feels like he is losing because he feels like it’s his duty. Also, Zod is left there fighting alone. However, he stays on Earth because his people need him. This is what makes Superman SUPER.
For me, Bendis understands Superman’s struggle. Which makes this an awesome book. I do wish they were going to finish this arc, but with the return of his son, it seems like the arc may take a breather. Which is fine, I am hooked.
I am really interested to see how Bendis writes Superman’s struggle of wanting to go back to finish the fight and feeling like he owes Earth to be there.
Final Thoughts
The story was awesome, The return of his son came out of nowhere. The writing is great. The artwork is awesome. They really conveyed the emotions in Clark's facial expression. The splash pages were beautiful as they showed the destructive power of the fight. Just simply stunning.
Superman #6 For Kandor!
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 8/108/10