Superman: Son of Kal-El #12

The Kent's safehouse is under attack, and Batman's robots scatter like ninepins. Can Jon save them before it's too late?
This issue was heavier on plot and action than it was on character development, and some of that action was definitely filler, but frankly it was a hell of a lot of fun and no weaker for it. Krypto was the focus of four out of twenty two pages (can we have more convincingly doggy superpowered pets, please?) and since his inclusion was the setup for the back half of the book his intro to this series worked marvelously well.
Nightwing played the role of compassionate billionaire very well (as though that weren’t the least likely fiction in these pages. Seriously, it’s impossible to be both rich and good. If you want to prove me wrong, billionaires, give all of your money to poor people. I have an easier time swallowing the existence of giant squid monsters and eye lasers) infiltrating Lexcorp with his trademark mixture of skill and aplomb.
The card house Taylor’s spent a year raising is almost fully erected. Now all that’s left is the gesture that’ll knock it all down. Personally, I can’t wait to witness the fallout.
Cian Tormey and Ruairi Coleman both contributed excellent pencil work, but there are differences in their techniques and seams do show where pages have been joined together. This isn’t a bad thing, but I’d prefer to read a book that was composed by one or the other rather than a joint effort. They’re both artists of the first rank, I’d like to emphasize that. The fact that there were four inkers working on this book added to the slightly disjointed effect. They’re all great inkers, but it’s easy to tell where one started and the other stopped. Federico Blee’s color work tied everything together beautifully though.
This was a fun issue, packed with action and a leaven of heart. I cannot recommend this series highly enough.
Final Thoughts
This was a fun issue, packed with action and a leaven of heart. I cannot recommend this series highly enough.
Superman Son of Kal-El #12: The Goodest Doggy
- Writing - 9.5/109.5/10
- Storyline - 9.5/109.5/10
- Art - 8.5/108.5/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 9/109/10