Teen Titans Academy #4
Previously on Teen Titans Academy... *Riverdale Recap Voice*
Waller's brand new Suicide Squad infiltrated Teen Titan's Academy with the "help" of Red X - only to have the tables turned on them. Red X, proving to be a formidable opponent against some established heroes and villains remained a mystery with #4 promising to reveal their secret identity.
Chupacabra (Centre), Bratgirl (Right) and Megabat (Left) make up the academy’s Bat Pack – a group of oddballs who have made it their goal to find out just who has donned the Red X mantle.
One thing Sheridan has done exceptionally well in the first four issues of Teen Titans Academy is deliver a plethora of new faces who read like they have been part of the DC mythos for years. What ensues during issue four is super fun “detective noir but for kids” shenanigans which makes for an incredibly entertaining read focused on who are essentially brand new characters.
There is a nice, smooth and gentle pacing to the issue as the Bat Pack take us through their list of suspects and their methods to get to the bottom of this mystery which makes it a very easy read and is packed full of laugh out loud moments that continue to make this series a joy.
The art suits the story perfectly and matches the personalities of the Bat Pack really making them stand out from the rest of the students at the academy and sets the overall tone of the issue. The colors are soft and delightful on the eyes adding a cartoon like quality.
Final Thoughts
Overall Teen Titans Academy continues to be a strong contender for one of the best Infinite Frontier titles. As ever with new titles featuring new characters there is a constant fear of "When will this get the sudden chop?" but hopefully that never comes to be as TTA is a strong title on it's own merit without the need for constant A list character appearances.
The writing is strong as ever and the change in art for this issue is welcome and doesn't lack the quality of the previous issues which is sometimes a challenge DC face when featuring guest artists.
Finally, to be frank, Bat Pack deserve their own mini series!
Teen Titans Academy #4: Bat Pack Spin Off, When?
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 9/109/10