Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The "City at War" storyline has been action-packed since issue 90. Since then we’ve been on a wild ride full of twists and turns. Issue 99 is a thrill ride without a driver and shows no signs of slowing down.
The city is in turmoil. Mutants, ninjas, and thugs are giving the turtles all they can handle. Between Hob, the EPF, Karai, and Metalhead, the turtles find themselves spread so thin that with every turn of a page, I found myself holding my breath and wondering what kind of action waits on the next page. The team of Eastman, Curnow, and Waltz once again deliver a great story loaded all the while delivering a great issue that leads into issue 100. The entire run so far has been superb in every aspect. One of the things that this writing team continues to do is give not only the main characters their voice and time in the limelight, but the minor characters get their time to shine as well. To narrow down just one moment in this book will not do it any justice. There is just too much going on, which is a great thing!
The debate between Donatello and Metalhead 2.0 was amazing and doesn’t skip a beat even when fighting takes and temporary backseat, and let’s not forget the cliffhanger that we are left with! Thanks, Eastman and Company! But wait there’s more! We cannot forget the mindblowing panels with Splinter and the Rat King, and once again Splinter show’s us that determination to rise above is only limited to what your mind lets it be. I think what we see hear is classic Splinter, and sets up for so much more…I’m looking at you Karai! Speaking of Karai we see her plan of city domination coming ever so close to fruition until the turtles intervene and try to warn her of the EPF and their own evil intentions. One of my favorite parts of this book is the end fight scene once the EPF comes on the scene. Karai, Rocksteady, Bebop, Leo, Don, & Mikey throwing hands with the EPF in classic turtle fashion. Panel to panel packed with amazing art, writing, and ink, however, just when you think it can’t get any better we see Kitsune on top of the building welcoming the return of the Dragon!
Final Thoughts
As usual, everything from the art, ink, and words are nothing short of spectacular. Something that I think that Dave Wachter does really well in this book is he complements the storyline with great art that smoothly transitions itself from page to page, making sure the art and storyline stay in sync. That is just one of the many elements that make TMNT 99 a really great and fun read. With issue 100 right around the corner, I can only imagine what is in store for us. It is going to seem like forever until we get our shells on 100.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #99: A City at War... Where No One Wins!
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 10/1010/10
- Cover Art - 8/108/10